31. Elisabeth and Vincenzo

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Third pov

The next day Bella woke up by a hungry Rocco. He was barking for food but Bella's fever was still there and she really didn't feel good. 

"I'm tired, Rocco," Bella mumbled, burrowing into her pillow. Rocco then leaped onto Bella's bed. "Please, Rocco, can't you get some food alone? I'll be fine," she pleaded. 

Rocco glanced at Bella, seeking confirmation that she would indeed be alright. Receiving a small, reassuring nod from her, he leaped off the bed and headed downstairs.

Bella attempted to drift back to sleep, but the noise from downstairs disrupted her tranquility. Sitting up in bed, she clutched her forehead, wincing from the fast movement. Although Bella longed to rise and be active, she found herself stuck, too weak to shift even slightly.

Before Bella could take any further action, Lorenzo entered the room.

"How are you feeling, bambina?" Lorenzo asked his sister.

"Not good," Bella mumbled. Lorenzo could tell Bella wasn't feeling well when he saw Rocco downstairs eating breakfast alone. They always did that together.

"Are you hungry?" Lorenzo asked, having prepared early to come over and assist with Bella.

"No," Bella mumbled once more, snuggling closer to her stuffed animal.

"But you still need to eat; we can't let your stomach remain empty," Lorenzo said to Bella, tickling her stomach gently. She emitted a soft giggle, which soon faded away.

"Okay," Bella gave in, and Lorenzo lifted her up, the stuffed animal still cradled in Bella's arms.

When they got down the stairs Vincenzo was the first one to see them and immediately took Bella in his own arms. Bella rubbed her eyes trying to adjust to the light. 

"How do you feel, Principessa?" Asked Vincenzo.

"It's cold and I'm tired" Bella complained to her father.

"Let's grab something to eat and then take a rest, okay?" suggested Vincenzo, aware that she needed to eat regardless.

Bella gave him a little nod and Vincenzo took her to the kitchen where the rest of the family were sitting and eating.

"Good morning, baby, how are you feeling?" Elisabeth greeted her daughter. Growing tired of the repetitive question, Bella simply rested her head on her dad's shoulder and closed her eyes.

" She said she's tired and cold, but she needs to eat before she can sleep more," Vincenzo explained to Elisabeth.

"Well, that's understandable. Let's get some food for you then. What would you like? Cereal? Pancakes? Scrambled eggs?" Elisabeth suggested some options for Bella to eat.

"Pancakes, please," Bella murmured, yet her voice was clear enough for Elisabeth to hear.

Elisabeth started making her some pancakes and Bella sat down on a chair with a blanket beside Greyson. 

Breakfast passed more quickly than Bella had anticipated. She chatted with her family about various things and even shared a few laughs. Now, Bella faces the difficult part of her morning: bidding farewell to her brothers. Despite having her mother at home, she doesn't want them to go; their sibling bond is simply too strong.

"Can't you stay here with me?" Bella stepped back from her embrace with Lorenzo, a pout forming on her lips.

"No, they can't, Princess. They need to learn stuff and meet their friends," Vincenzo replied on behalf of Lorenzo.

"But I am their friend," Bella insisted.

"In a few hours, you'll see them again, baby," Elisabeth said.

"Okay," Bella sighed in defeat, giving her brothers and father one final hug.

The boys left for school and work leaving the girls home alone.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Elisabeth asked her sick child

"Okay!" Bella exclaimed, clasping her mother's hand with enthusiasm.

Bella and Elisabeth made their way to the living room together and settled down under a blanket. After nearly ten minutes of searching for a movie, Bella decided they would watch "Beauty and the Beast."

Throughout the movie Bella noticed that her mother zooned out a couple of times so after the movie she decided to ask her about it.

"Mama why did you zoom out when we were watching a movie?" Bella asked her mother.

"Oh haha, no it's nothing, sweetie. I just thought of some memories" Elisabeth explained.

"What were they about?" Bella asked curiously.

"In the movie, Belle and the Beast reminds me of your father and me. We didn't like each other at all in the beginning, but somehow we fell in love," Elisabeth told Bella, her mind drifting to even more memories.


"Could you just be quiet for once!" young Elisabeth exclaimed to the one and only, young Vincenzo Russo.

"I know you secretly love my voice. you're just too scared to say it," Vincenzo said with confidence. He knew since the first time he saw Elisabeth he knew that she would have his kids one day. He was crazy in love with her from day one.

"Ugh, I hate you," Elisabeth mumbled, swiveling her chair around until she and Vincenzo were only inches apart.

"I know, I know," Vincenzo mumbled, kissing Elisabeth with love and passion.


"Vin, where are you taking me?" Elisabeth asked Vincenzo, amusement lacing her voice. Vincenzo had blindfolded her for a surprise. It was the dawn of their relationship, and they had planned that tonight would mark their first official date. Typically, dating starts after two to three dates, but for Vincenzo and Elisabeth, their love was genuine—far from a fleeting high school romance. This was destined to last forever.

"Wait, wait, wait... and now!" Vincenzo removed Elisabeth's blindfold, unveiling a beautiful picnic on the beach, complete with every delectable fruit and cheese one could desire.

"Vince, this is perfect," Elisabeth said, sounding breathless as she gazed at the beautiful picnic her handsome boyfriend had prepared.

Let's just say their date was wonderful, and the night that followed was even more so.


Sorry for the maybe boring chapter but trust me, some drama is coming soon. 

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