22. Rocco

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Third pov

"Pwetty pewase"

The puppy dog eyes. The eyes that make people do whatever you want.

"Bella baby that could be somone else's dog" Elisabeth reminded her.

"It doesn't have a collar" Matthew said.

"Pwetty pwease" Bella repeated putting an arm around the dogs neck.

"ugh god" Vincenzo signed and chuckled "ok let's make a deal. You can keep the dog. But if it doesn't work out in the end of the first week we're gonna find it another family."

Bella started nodding her head excitedly saying thank you over and over again.


Sunday night came and the Russo family we're eating dinner.

The dog Bella had found were with someone to look if it's sick before coming to their home. Vincenzo still can't get that he said yes to a dog. He knows that Elisabeth wanted a pet some while ago but they never got one.

"So me and your father we're thinking. We think it would be good for Bella to start preeschool" Elisabeth announced.

"What!" Mattew and Grayson said loudly.

"But what if something happens" Matthew started protesting.

"Yeah who will help her if she fall. Or what if the kids are mean" Grayson added.

"Boys not buts. We will have maybe two guards with her but they will give her privacy. And she won't start yet. She will hopefully start when the cast is gone" Vincenzo said sternly.

"Whats a p-pree-" Bella tried to ask before Elisabeth interrupted her. "Preeschool?" Bella nodded. "It's a place were kids can play with other kids and learn while their parents work"

"I like to play" Bella said excitedly.


After dinner Vincenzo asked Bella to follow him up the stairs and into his office.

"Princess could you point at the man who did this to you?" Vincenzo asked while sitting down in front of his desk whith Bella on his lap.

Bella nodded a little turning her head so she could look at his computer.

Vincenzo started going through very disgusting pedofiles all of them were guys. After about 7 different people he showed her a picture of Jack.  

Bella stiffened up seeing his face. The face of her nightmares. The face that will forever haunt her.

Vincenzo saw her stiffen up so he asked "Is it him?"

Bella slowly nodded her head. She couldn't take her eyes of the screen, scared he will climb out of the computer and get her.

Vincenzo cursed himself. When he first got Bella they put Jake in one of his warehouses but he escaped. He thought he wasn't super important so he put him in the worst secured warehouse. 

Vincenzo picked up his phone from his pocket and called Elijah. He answerd on the third beep. 

"Hey man why did you call?" Elijah answered with his usual cheerful voice. 

"Jake Lopez" Vincenzo said in a cold tone. Bella feelt shivers down her spine at her fathers cold voice.

"On it" Elijah said and then hung up the phone.


The other day when the boys and Vincenzo went to school the dog that Bella had manage to keep finally came to their house.

One of the people that work for Vincenzo came up to the door steps with a black leather leash around the dog

The dog were trashing around trying to get free until he saw Bella standing inside the house. He immediately stopped trashing around and just walked with the man.

"Thank you so much" Elisabeth thanked the man while taking the leash.

Because Bella were standing close to her mother the dog went to her and started to wiggle it's tale in happines.

Bella threw her arms around the dogs neck hugging him. "Hii Rocco" The dog let out a little bark saying hi back.

Elisabeth watched her daughter bond with the dog with a smile on her face.

~                                                                                                                                                                                                      Three weeks later

Three weeks went by fast. The days started with Bella lying in her or someone else in the family's bed. Then she tried to eat what the eating plan Dr. Hart gave them said. After that she said goodbye to her brothers and father and played around with Rocco. The family had started to like the dog more and more for everyday.

Rocco's days were very simple. He followed Bella around the house and did what she did. When she ate he ate, when she slept he slept and sometimes when she went on the toilet Rocco went out to the garden and did his. Elisabeth tho didn't like that he went on the toilet in the garden. It gets all smelly if you don't find it some time after. Plus it attracts a lot of flies sometimes.

The winter started to come around and Christmas were coming closer and closer for every day.

Around a week before christmas Vincenzo got a phone call, from his mother.

"Hello mom" He answered.

"Oh hi my dear son how are my grandchildren?" She asked.

Vincenzo hadn't told them that he found Bella yet so he tried to make it sound as normal as possible.

"Oh they are great actually. More then great"

"Are you hiding something from me?" That was one of his mothers talents. She knew directly when someone tried to lie to her.

"No absolutely not, but why did you call?" He then asks trying to change the subject.

"Right. I was just wondering if me and the rest of the family could come to you for christmas this year?"

Vincenzo had kinda already figured out that she would ask that. He also thought hat it could be the perfect time to show them Bella.

His family knows what happened but they don't know that he found her.

"Yeah sure it works" Vincenzo answered.

They both agreed on which day they would come on before ending the call.

Vincenzo was a bit worried about them comming over for christmas. He doesn't want to overwhelm Bella with so many strangers. 


I'm sorry for time speeding so much in this chapter but I need to keep moving forward. I can't make the Russo's stay in the same week for years.

Also I don't remember if I wrote that it was sommer or something in the beginnof this book. So if I did im sorry for the confusion.

In some ends of chapters I will also add cute pictures I think match the chapter :)

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