Guardian of the Twelfth house vs The Prince of Hell

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I'm back! I'm still have university but holiday is almost coming so I'm starting to continue my stories. Also since my obsession with One Piece has hit an all time high I've decided to start a One Piece x male reader. I'll make the bio soon and start the story during the holiday. When holiday comes I'll try to make 1 chapter per day for each story. Thanks for being patient 🙏

The air was filled to the brim with tension as father and son stared each other down.

"Y......Y/N? Is that really you?" Aphrodite asked with horror, sensing the dark cosmos of the underwold eminating from his son.

Y/N grinned maliciously, seeing the terror on the Pisces Saint's face. "It is me. I have spent the past years training my power, and now I have risen from the depths of Hades to take my vengeance on you, Pisces Aphrodite."

No words could describe how much guilt and sorrow Aphrodite was feeling. His son, who he had wronged and murdered in cold blood had returned as a Spectre of Hades to kill him. Nightmare couldn't begin to describe the situation he was in.

Y/N wasted no more time and launched himself at the Pisces saint. He threw a devastating left hook which Aphrodite was quick to dodge. Y/N immediately followed up by launching a volley of roses. Aphrodite launched his own roses in defense, which cut through all of Y/N's roses and would've hit him if he hadn't moved away in time

'Roses probably won't do a lot to him' Y/N surmised. 'He's spent nearly all his life training his roses. My roses are sadly a weak imitation which I can only use since Uncle Minos fought the Pisces Saint during the last Holy War. I'll have to use something else.'

Aphrodite sized his son up. 'His roses are weak. It's a surprise he can use my techniques. I must incapacitate him and take him to Athena. It pains me to harm him even more but there doesn't seem to be any other way.'

"Piranhan Rose!"

Y/N's eyes widened seeing the dozens of black roses flying at him, a little reminiscent of his traumatic past. He quickly retaliated by launching his Uncle Radamanthys' technique.

"Greatest Caution!"

The devastating shockwaves of his attack quickly clashed with the black roses of Pisces. The backlash from the two attacks forced the two back.

'I need to stop him from throwing more roses. Gotta immobilize him.' Y/N decided 'Uncle Minos's strings could bind him, but it won't hold him forever. I need a surefire way to keep him down for good.'

A sudden idea crossed Y/N's mind 'That could work, but I need eye contact for that to work. In that case............"

"Cosmic Marrionette!"

The thin nearly invisible string of the Griffon Spectre's attack clung onto the Pisces Saint's limbs, shocking him.

'What?! I can't move my body! These strings wrapped around me so fast!'

"That's not all I got Pisces," Y/N growled. "Galactica Death Bring!"

Aphrodite screamed in pain as he could feel every single nerve in his body burn from the inside out. The suddenness and the severity of the attack forced the Pisces Saint to his knees. Y/N retracted his strings and walked over to the downed Saint, intending to satisfy his vengeance.

Aphrodite attempted to reach out to his son.

"Y/N............... I was a horrible father to you."

Y/N scoffed. "You weren't a father at all."

"You're not wrong." Aphrodite agreed. "But please, Hades seeks to destroy all of humanity. Your grudge is with me not the world. Please, Hades cannot be allowed to win this war."

"Humanity can die out for all I care. I will realize my father's dream." Y/N remarked.

"Father?" Aphrodite questioned in confusion.

"Yes. My father and king, Lord Hades."

Blood drained from Aphrodite's face.


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