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Aright to be clear, in this storyline, everything happened the same, only Aiolos isn't dead, and the only Gold Saints that died during the battle of the 12 Houses is Gemini Saga, Capricorn Shura, and Aquarius Camus

Y/N woke up once again, his body still in pain from his father's recent beating, but something felt different. He moved his body around and realized that the chains that restricted him to the wall were broken. 'Dad's Piranhan Rose attack must've broken them.' He thought.

Then the boy wondered. Were the chains broken accidentally, or did his father break them intentionally? A small hope began to rise in his chest. Had the day finally come? Did his father finally want him in his life? The joy of being a family with his father was so great it outweighed the pain he was feeling. He got up and walked out of the door.

He bathed in sunlight for the first time in his life. He looked out at the view of the sanctuary from the entrance of the Pisces house. He wondered where his father was.

"What are you doing here child?"
Y/N turned around to face a man he had never met before, holding a baby.

"What are you doing here child?"Y/N turned around to face a man he had never met before, holding a baby

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"Wh... wh.... who are you??" The young boy asked shyly.

"My name is Aiolos. I am the Gold Saint of Sagittarius," The man in gold said, "Tell me child, what are you doing here in the House of Pisces?"

"I.... I'm waiting for father. He's a Gold Saint like you."

"And who would that be?" Aiolos wondered

Y/N just pointed at the temple behind him. Aiolos put 2 & 2 together and gasped. "You're father is Aphrodite?"

Y/N nodded

Aiolos had many more questions, but before he could ask more, he heard yelling in the distance.

"There's the traitor!!! Just by the House of Pisces!!! Get him!!!!!!"

Several soldiers emerged from the temple, their faces filled with anger. Behind them was Aphrodite, who was shocked to see his who the traitor was with.

"I must take my leave." Aiolos stated, "Be strong little one." With that he took off. While headed for the Aquarius temple, only one thought was etched in his mind "How did a boy as young as him get so injured?"

Y/N watched as Aiolos ran while being chased by the Sanctuary guard. "He was nice" he thought. Suddenly, he felt a dark and dangerous presence behind him. He turned and saw the furious expression of his father.

"HOW DID YOU GET OUT?" He yelled as he continued to throw demon rose after demon rose at his son.

", it hurts....." Y/N begged.

Aphrodite had it. If Aiolos were to tell anyone, then people would find out how he had been treating his son. Aphrodite would be stripped of his title as a Gold Saint and banished from the Sanctuary.

"You disobeyed me worse than any other time. I would just lock you up, but Aiolos saw you. Now it looks like I will finally get to be free from you wretched filth." Aphrodite sighed as he pulled out a white rose.

Y/N's eyes widened. He had spent most of his life in a dark room under the Pisces Temple, so he didn't know a lot about anything, but he had learned about his fathers different types of roses. And he knew exactly what the white ones did

"Dad............please don't" Y/N cried knowing what was going to happen.

Aphrodite smiled, "Goodbye you mistake of a son.........

Aphrodite smiled, "Goodbye you mistake of a son

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"You're Hades' problem now."

" looks like you are my problem now."


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