A word with the King!

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Y/N walked up the stairs of his father's palace, his heart in turmoil. His fight with the Cancer Saint had shown him that he was still far too weak. How could he be Prince of Hell if he couldn't beat one Gold Saint? Y/N's thoughts were put to a halt as he stopped right in front of his father.

"My son." Hades spoke.

Y/N felt a twinge of pain when Hades called him 'son'. He felt undeserving to be called that. Nevertheless he knelt before the King.

"Lord Hades." He addressed. Hades saw the look on his son's face and heard the tone of his voice. "I sense trepidation in youmy son. What burdens you so?"

Y/N clenched his fists even harder than they already were. "I couldn't beat him, not alone. If Aphrodite had been serious about fighting me then he woul've easilt won, and Cancer was far too powerful for me. If it wasn't for Radamanthys then I would've been bounded in chains or killed.

Haded stood from his throne and walked over to his son, he then got on his knees and raised his sons head so that they were looking straight each other face to face.

"I am sure Radamanthys has said it, but I will repeat. We knew you were not ready to take on a true gold saint, we had prepared you to kill Pisces, not any other. Had it not been for the Cancer Saint's intervention, you would have tastes victory. So please son, do not wallow in your weakness. Instead use it as determination to become stronger."

Y/N replayed the words his King had just told him. In the end all he could say was "I will my king."

"Good." Hades stood and walked over to the space behind his throne. "I must leave for Elysium. Athena has arrived and I must entertain my niece. For now I shall entrust you with coordinating the spectre's here. Do not allow the Saints to reach Giudecca."

Y/N nodded. "I will do my best to live up to your expectations my King."

Before Hades had completely left, he muttered under his breath, "You have."

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