Can't Stop Think of Him

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Jeongin was sitting in his room studying for his math exam. He couldn't stop thinking about Hyunjin, but his thoughts were cut short by the sound of his phone notifications going off. He looked like it was from Instagram "Hyunjinnnn followed you". Jeongin opened his phone and opened Instagram, he went to his notifications and saw that Hyunjin liked his old post. "Kinda weird...". Jeongin said quietly. So he decided to look through Hyunjin's post, once he looked at Hyunjin's page he couldn't stop smiling and Jeongin couldn't find why.

He decided to stop looking he was tired from studying for a while. He got up and went to his bathroom and took a shower, after his shower he did his skincare. Put his pjs on and got his bed, but he couldn't stop thinking about Hyunjin he couldn't find out why. He decided to just go to sleep, but for some reason, Jeongin couldn't sleep he just kept thinking about Hyunjin. At this point it was making Jeongin mad all because of the kind jester Hyunjin did, he guessed he would never think Hyunjin could be that nice.

The next day...

Hyunjin woke up to the sound of his alarm going off. He didn't have a great sleep he was up studying for his math exam and maybe he was stalking Jeongin's Instagram like for an hour.... But he just wanted to see if Jeongin was okay after he walked in on Jeongin crying in the bathroom, to see if he posted any sad stuff on his page. Besides that Hyunjin had to get up for school so he got in the shower for 10 minutes (his playlist was going too hard) then he got out and did his skincare, got dressed, and went downstairs to be greeted by his mom. "Hey honey I made you toast". Hyunjin's mom said softly, Hyun grabbed a piece of toast and rushed out of the house after saying thank you to his mom.

Once Hyunjin got to school he saw Han. "JINNE COME OVER HERE!!" Han screamed, Hyunjin smiled and ran over to Han. "What? Did you have to scream?" Hyunjin questions, " Yes actually. Guess what!" Han said excitedly, before Hyunjin could answer Han blurted out. "Me and Minho are together!!" Han stated happily, Hyunjin with a shocked look on his face then stated "OMG, it's been like what 2 years of y'all liking each other". "Yeah but that doesn't matter right?" Han said kinda offended by what Hyunjin said, "I was just joking but we have to class, see you later okay". "Fine bye Hyun!" Han said running to his class, Hyunjin walked to his class which was math and he had with Jeongin.

Jeongin was in class looking over his notes for the exam that was in 15 minutes, but then he noticed Hyunjin walk into the classroom. He kinda got butterflies, Jeongin thought to himself "I don't like him right? Why do I feel like that I thought I hated him?" Jeongin snapped out of his thoughts once he heard the teacher talking about the exam. Jeongin looked over at Hyunjin and smiled a little bit, but he snapped out of that too. The teacher passed out the exam and Jeongin started to work.

After the exam.....

It was 20 mins later after they took the test and the teacher passed back the test and Jeongin turned his paper over to see if he got an A+ he kinda knew he was going to get a good grade, he always got good grades. Next thing he knew the teacher called up Jeongin and Hyunjin to his desk, Jeongin and Hyunjin got up and went to the desk. "Hi, you 2 I see that Hyunjin's grades have been dropping and I was thinking that Jeongin you can tutor him?" Jeongin was freaking out in his head "Really Hyunjin out of all people it feels like I'm in a Kdrama." Jeongin snapped back and quickly answered, "Umm yes I guess." The teacher looked pleased, "Great Hyunjin is this good with you?" Hyunjin looked a Jeongin and said, "Yes I think I do need it." Hyunjin coldly replied, "Great I'll an e-mail that has your schedule." The teacher replied after the 2 boys went to sit back down.

2 class periods later...

It was now 3rd period and Jeongin and Hyunjin got their e-mails with their schedules. It said that they would have to tutor TODAY.

Hey, guys it's me I just want to say don't forget to vote- love Rain 🌧️

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