Chapter 1

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I walked in the driveway to my house. I grabbed my key and opened the door. I hope dad isn't home. I open the door and thank god my - nope . I was wrong. There he was clenched fists.

"What's this?" He said holding up my foundation.

"My make up. "

"Why do you have this?"

"T-to cover up my bruises"

"NO ! You are not to cover them up! You are already discusting!!"  He said  then a sharp pain hit my face. I felt the warm blood on my face. He punched my stomach and I fell to the ground. He grabed me by my hair and dragged me to my room. He slapped me and I stumbled backwards into my room. He slammed the door shut and locked it . I started to cry.

That was last week. Yes I have been here for a week. No food. No water.  Nothing.  Im Lexi Hattens. My father killed my mother when I was 14. I am 18 now. He has abused me since the day after he killed my mother. I never told anyone. I walked over to my radio and turned it on.

"Hi ! Were One Direction!" I love this band.

"Want to talk? Call this number 1-800-949 -567 ." I dialed the number on my cell phone that is REALLY old.

"Hello? Your speaking with One Direction. What would you like to ask?"

"Well.. I kinda wanted to talk to you guys . My alchaholic father killed my mother when I was 14. I have been physically abused since then.I have been locked in my room for a week and Im probably going to die. I wanted to talk to you guys before I pass on ."

"Do you need help ? Are you okay?"

"Im okay thanks . Well this is my last good bye. "

"Wait no-" Then i hung up. I can't imagine dying. I can't. I have to break out. I looked around my room to see if I can escape... WINDOW! I walk to the window and try to open it . Wait, the smarter plan is to pack what I need first. I walked to my closet and grabbed a duffle bag.  I packed some clothes and a few hundred dollars I kept for emergencies. I grabbed my phone and charger and put them in my bag. Here I go. I open the window and look down . Not to far down and there are trash bags. I closed my eyes and jumped. I landed in trashbags of packing peanuts . How  convinent!  I brushed myself off and started to run. Come on Lexi run .I look around. Where am i?  I haven't been to school since mum died and we moved and I was blindfolded so .. I don't know where I am .

                                                                                  1 hour later.

I have been traveling for an hour. I have gone at least two miles. I have switched off with running and walking. Oh god. Im spinning .. Wooh. I see a blonde boy running towards me as I fall to the ground.

A/N: HEY ! Me and my friend Megan are making this ^. Megan wrote the Proulogue. CUDOS TO HER! We will sign our names at the bottom with authors notes at the end of the chapter! How did u like the first one? By guys!

Nina <3

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