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Sophie's POV

           It was late November, and the streets of Maine were capped with glistening snow. The familiar sound of Sophie's warm boots connecting with the snow, making a satisfying 'crunch,' filled the air, replacing the intense silence. Walking up to a nice clearing with a couple broke down benches, she sat down and dropped her backpack on the table. Before she could even unload her schoolwork, her phone buzzed. Picking it up, Sophie sighed. 'Of course' she thought 'what part of going on a walk, did Allie not understand?' She answered to hear Allie on a aggressive rant. Just as Sophie was about to ask what she was talking about, the hairs on the back of her head stood up. She had a odd awareness that she was getting watched.
Her breath caught. She grabbed her bag and stood up. She suddenly sighed, relieve flooded through her like a tidal wave, two boys strolled out of the pathway. She instantly recognized them. The boy on the right had dirty blond hair and bold brown eyes,while the one on the left had sandy blond hair and light blue eyes. 'Hey Soph!' called out the the one on the left 'Hi Andrew!' She replied 'And if it isn't my favorite cookie thief' Tomas rolled his soft blue eyes and said annoyed 'Dude, you steal one cookie and your condemned for life'Andrew cut him off 'Anyway' he said giving Tomas a glare 'what are you doing here Sophie?' She pointed to her bag, ' what does it look like?'
'Like your secretly black widow,who was trying to sneak away to go stop some evil bad guys,' Tomas joked 'haha really funny' she said with as much sarcasm as she could muster. 'We'll I better be off or else your girlfriend will have my head' she said to Andrew, before turning and marching back through the streets.
She was halfway back to campus,she hoped to meet Allie back at the dorms,  when a boy and girl ,both around her age, bumped into her, ok, ok, let's be real she bumped into them. Her face flushed red with embarrassment, she was quick to apologize. 'I'm so sorry'
'Don't worry about it' said the girl with a strange crisp accent that Sophie couldn't quite place. When Sophie got a better look at her she noticed she had long, wavy,dark brown hair, smooth pale skin, and starting teal eyes. Surprised by her beauty, Sophie didn't even notice the boy next to her started to say something. She had to ask him to repeat himself. He said ' My names Keefe and this Biana,nice to meet you'
'My names Sophie, nice to meet you too'

                       Lihn's POV
               'What is taking them so long?' That was the question everyone had been asking. Herself, Dex,the collective, and Livey were all sitting in a quite meeting room. There was a large chandelier with those of tiny crystals in the middle of the room. It was the only distraction that kept her from getting up and frantically pacing like everyone else. This had been their last shot at finding Sophie. It had been 4 whole years! So much has changed since Sophie's disappearance. The Neverseen had taken over the Lost cities, the entire council had been executed (as punishment for resisting their 'rightful' leaders), and the Black Swan had gone into hiding. And Sophie was the key to it all. Yet she knew none of this. The Black Swans theory was that the Neverseen had erased her memories and sent her back into the Forbidden Cities, however the hard part was, where in the Forbidden Cities?
           Just then the doors flung open. Biana and Keefe trailed in. One look at Keefe's trademark grin and everyone let out the breath they had been holding. Keefe's smirk said it all. They hadn't seen it since the day Sophie disappeared. 'Well, what are you waiting for, did u find her???' Dex blurted out. 'Ya we did' Biana said as if trying to convince herself. A cheer erupted through the room. Sophie Foster was alive! Maybe this time the Black Swan we're a couple steps ahead of the Neverseen. And they would take advantage of it.

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