chapter twenty-nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

Elyza Mikaelson strutted into the house, dialing the one person she knew she needed at this moment. "Pick up, Mina, damn it." Her black heel boots clicked against the hardwood flooring. She flicked her watch, not wanting to explain why Mina picking up was so urgent to the youngest Mikaelson of the bunch. But luckily, 11 am is too early for any high schooler to be at home.

She was only even calling the witch because she figured out she couldn't entire the damn cemetery due to her vampirism.

She tossed her keys on the counter, pulling her smooth, leather jacket over her shoulders. "Hello?" the voice on the other end said.

"Your cousin is, very angrily, about to enact World War 3 on a coven of New Orleans witches, and as a vampire, I can't enter the bloody battleground."

"War? I was gone for two weeks! What the actual fuck?" Mina cursed. Elyza's vampire hearing could pick up the sound of her best friend's heel pressing the gas pedal. "I'll be there in three minutes."

"Don't come to the Mikaelson mansion," Elyza stopped her. "Go straight to the cemetery in New Orleans... I meet you there."

Elyza pulled her hair back into a ponytail and popped her earrings out of her ears. She would be lying if she said she gave a fuck about Bonnie, but if Mina was meeting her there then she had to be able to defend her.

Leaving her keys, the Mikaelson sped off with her vampire abilities, knowing she could run faster than any car could take her.


Just as she thought, when she got too close to the cemetery's opening, magic threw her out. However, when she saw Mina's car pull up, she removed her wedding ring and placed it in her back pocket. The last time she got blood on it, it took a few hours of scrubbing on top of her magic to get out.

Thanks to her husband not wanting anyone to alter it or steal it, the damned thing is durable.

"Great, you're here. Welcome home."

"Are you sure she's here?" Mina asked, tying her hair back. She had just blown her hair out, so it was flowing all over her face. But she'd be damned if it stopped her from kicking some ass. She stepped inside the tombstone-filled space, looking around while Elyza stayed outside. "I don't see her... or anyone for that matter."

Elyza turned to the side, exposing her ear to any sounds it may pick up. "Wait, it's faint but... Mina, duck!"

Mina ducked as commanded and gasped when she heard glass crash against the cement. "Phasmatos Morsinus Pyrox Allum."

"Kill the bitch, Mina! What are you waiting for?"

Mina dug the knife she kept in her boot out, holding it to the witch's neck. "I really don't like killing my own people, but if you don't invite her in, I'll slick your neck open and toss you out there so my friend can have some entertainment."

"C-come in," The witch shuddered.

Elyza flashed in, holding her neck with one hand "That's the difference between us. I'll kill anyone." Snapping her neck, she threw her against the railing.

Suddenly, before Elyza could venture off to locate them, Mina was holding her arm. "I know you'll fight for my life, Lyza, and I love you for that. But today, right now, we need to protect Bonnie." Elyza rolled her eyes. "I'm serious."

"Pinky promise."

Mina rolled her eyes again. "I'm dead serious, Elyza. Don't worry about me. We disperse to kill anyone who has hurt her."

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