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*Paris at night. There is an explosion near the Notre-Dame. An akumatized August is running through the streets.*
Gigantitan: Cake! (People are fleeing their cars and running away in fear of being stepped on.) Cake! Cake! (Ladybug,Phantom,Cyrus and Cat Noir are trying to catch up with Gigantitan. He sees the Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie)
Gigantitan: Cake! (voice) Cake!
Tom: I'll protect my pastries if it's the last thing I do.
Sabine: Tom, you're going to get hurt!
Gigantitan: Cake! (Gigantitan comes closer, the two huddle in fear. Ladybug,Phantom,Cyrus and Cat Noir land in front of the bakery.)
Ladybug: No, Da—Mr. Dupain! Move aside! (She catches Gigantitan's wrist with her yo-yo)
Cat Noir:(he looks at Phantom)Wow, my heart is just like that yo-yo-wrapped baby's wrist. Taken prisoner by luna forever. (He tries to kiss her, but Ladybug grabs him by his tail and they are both yanked away by Gigantitan. Ladybug smacks into a billboard displaying Diana's ad while Cat noir hits pole holding the ad)
Phantom:(she looks at Cyrus)I'll grab Ladybug,you get the cat.
Cyrus: got it.
Ladybug: Ah, Diana's lips. (She slides off. Phantom catches her.)
Phantom: I got you.(Ladybug hugs her)
Cyrus:(she catches Cat noir as he falls) are you alright?
Cat noir:(he groans in pain) I hate Ladybug...
Cyrus: there,there...(she pats his head) it's going to be ok...(she then puts Cat noir down and he sees Ladybug hugging Phantom so he grabs Ladybug and throws her towards a building making Cyrus gasp as she flies towards her) I got you watermelon!(Cat noir then looks at Phantom)
Cat Noir: Admit it, for a second there, you almost fell for my poetic verse.
Phantom: Well your—(suddenly Ladybug lands next to Cat noir and pushes him away from Phantom)
Ladybug: she will never fall for your poetry! Lucky Charm! (She receives a giant plastic doughnut. It falls on her and she struggles to hold it up.)
Cyrus:(she helps Ladybug hold the doughnut) let me help you there.
Ladybug: thanks.
Gigantitan: Cake! (Gigantitan takes the doughnut and tries to eat it. Realizing it's not real, he throws it through the wall of Marinette's room.) Not cake!
Cat Noir: Your plastic doughnut doesn't stand a chance against the best macaroons in Paris. That baby has taste.
Phantom: they are the best.(They go after Gigantitan)

*The bakery. Tom realizes Marinette's in trouble.*
Tom: That's Marinette's bedroom! (He runs up the stairs) Marinette! Marinette!
Ladybug: (voice) Cat Noir, grab this! Phantom, Cyrus you two follow me!
Phantom:(voice) you got it!
Cyrus:(voice) on it!(Gigantitan's hand bursts through the stairwell. Tom continues up the stairs. He runs into the apartment)
Tom: Marinette!
Cat Noir: (voice) Cataclysm! (The apartment begins to crumble)
Phantom:(voice) howl!(a flue noise is heard) Mirage!
Tom: Marinette! Marinette! (He tries to enter her room, but the door is jammed)
Ladybug: (voice) Miraculous Ladybug! (The apartment and door are fixed, so Tom runs in)
Tom: Marinette! Marinette! (He sees Marinette in her bed and pulls back the covers. It is only a pillow that looks like her head instead.) Ah!(August is deakumatized in midair and falls into Ladybug's arms. She picks up his pacifier.)
Cat Noir: So what was it this time?
Cyrus: Well seeing as he wanted food,what do you think?
Phantom: don't be mean.
Ladybug: A late night craving, huh, baby August? (She spins him around and he laughs) Oo, (giggling) you're so cute! (kisses him on the head lots of times)
Phantom:Wow,you must be great with kids.he likes you.
Ladybug: I try.
Cat Noir: I am good with kids too,you know.
Phantom :(she looks at him) really?(Ladybug's earrings beep)
Ladybug:I doubt that's true. (She hands August to Cat Noir.)
Cat Noir: Uh?
Ladybug: Here, you can have him.
Cat Noir: Ee!
Ladybug: Bye bye, little guy! (She swings to the roof)
Cyrus: She left you with the kid, usually it's the other way around.(Cat noir then sighs)
Cat noir: let's take him back to his mother.(Ladybug lands on the balcony)
Ladybug: Spots off! (She detransforms)

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