The Puppeteer 2

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*Adrien's room. Adrien is playing his piano with Plagg when there's a knock at the door.*
Plagg: Whoa! (hides in the piano)
Nathalie: (walks in) Ready to go, Adrien?(Daniella and Diana then walk in)
Diana: Yeah,ready to get bored to death.
Adrien: least we get to hang out together.(Diana nods)
Daniella:(she looks at Diana)Hey,maybe you can invite a friend to come.
Diana: right!(she looks at Nathalie)  since this is gonna take a while, can I bring a friend?
Nathalie: (nods) Hmm.(Diana pulls out her phone and looks at her contacts, Adrien looks over her shoulder and sees that Diana is about to call Marinette)
Adrien:Wait! I'll call them?(Daniella gives him a look as Adrien looks at Diana with pleading eyes)
Diana: oh,ok.

*The Césaire apartment. Alya and Nino are playing a dancing game when Adrien video calls Nino.*
Nino: Whassup, bro?
Adrien: Nino, Me,Diana and Daniella got to go back to the Grévin Wax Museum. Do you want to come with us this time?
Nino: Sure thing, dude. I'll be right there— (sees Alya glaring at him) Uh, eh, actually, Alya and I are hanging together today. (Alya points at herself, then at Adrien) Wait! Do you think Alya could come too?

*Adrien's room.*
Adrien: Can two of our friends come?
Nathalie: (nods) Hmm.(they look at Diana and Daniella)
Daniella: I don't mind.

* Césaire apartment.*
Alya: Hey, wait! (pulls out phone)

*Marinette's room. Marinette is sewing when she receives a video call from Alya.*
Marinette: Hey, girl.
Alya: Marinette, you are coming with me and Nino to the Grévin Wax Museum. Adrien invited us! And Diana is going to be there!
Marinette: Ah! Wha! But! Nuh—!

*Césaire apartment.*
Alya: There's no saying no. We're coming to get you now. You don't have a choice, girl!
Nino: (to Adrien) Do you think Marinette could come too? That way she and—
Alya: Shhh!
Nino: Uh, she could... stare at the statues! Marinette loves the... she loves statues! Which is perfect since the wax museum is, uh, full of them! (chuckles nervously, Alya facepalms)

*Adrien's room.*
Adrien: (he hesitates to ask but then sees the look Daniella is giving him so he asks)Can we make that... three?
Nathalie: (rolls her eyes, but nods) Mhmm.(they look at Diana and Daniella)
Diana:(heard the conversation on Adrien's phone) Marinette? yes! (Daniella nudged her) I mean sure, she can come.
Daniella: I still don't mind.

*Marinette's room.*
Manon: But Marinette! (holds up a drawing of herself) What about my superhero costume? (pouts) Hmph, everyone always forgets about me.
Marinette: Sorry, guys. I'm looking after Manon this afternoon. Go ahead without me.

*Césaire apartment. Alya looks at Nino, and Nino looks at Adrien on his phone*

*Cut Adrien's room.*
Adrien: Would four work? Actually, more like three and a half.
Nathalie: I'll see what I can do.(they then walk out of the room)

*Outside Agreste Mansion,Katherine is seen walking in when her phone suddenly rings,she looks at it and then sighs as she answers*
Katherine:(with sadness in her voice) listen,Olympia if it is about the belt, right now is not the right time.
Olympia:(she starts to feel worried as she hears the sadness in Katherine's voice)kat,what's wrong? Who hurt you?
Katherine: life.(she sees the kids and Nathalie coming down) I need to go.
Olympia: wait! Katherine don't—(Katherine ends the call and then puts on a smile as Diana and Daniella run up to her as she have spotted her)
Diana: Mom! Do you want to come with us?
Daniella:It would be less boring if you do.
Katherine: I'm sorry girls but I can't go with you two today,but I promise to make it up to you two ok?(she hugs them and kisses the tops of their heads)
Diana: aw...ok.
Daniella: alright.(The others start to walk way and Daniella start to do the same but she stops and turns around to see Kathreine walking towards her room with a sad face.she then remembers what Bunnyx has told her.she starts to feel worried,she turns back around and grabs Diana's arm stopping her and whispers)hey am actually going to stay
Diana:(whispers back)what? Why?
Daniella: because mom seems sad and... I just have bad feeling and want to stay with her.
Diana: oh, then I'll stay too.
Daniella: What about the museum?
Diana:Who cares about it,I am sure they can wait a little bit longer to remake my hand,mom is important.
Daniella: yeah but Nino,Ayla and Marinette are should go,I'll stay with mom.
Daniella: It's ok Diana,just go.
Diana:(she sighs) alright but if anything happens or—
Daniella: I'll call you.(Diana then leaves as Daniella runs to Katherine's room)
Ashh:(he flies out) you think she met up with Master fu already?
Daniella: I know she did.(she arrives and then walks in. She sees Katherine with tears in her eyes as she throws three of her knives towards a target and all three of them hit the bullseye.Katherine then notices Daniella making Katherine gasps as quickly wipes her tears away)
Katherine: Daniella! Uh...(she clears her throat and looks at her with a forced smile) what are you—(Daniella immediately runs over and hugs her)
Daniella: you don't need to hide it from me,it ok mom...(Katherine hugs her back as she cries a little)

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