Big Trouble in Little Musutafu; Josei Ippan

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     "P-please believe me! I'm not a villain! I just wanted to get to a shelter!" Being out in the rain with no umbrella, Ippan was already uncomfortable. As if things couldn't get worse, she had found herself cornered by civilian vigilantes looking to pick a fight.

     "Why should we believe you?! A big mutant walking around all shady-like in the middle of our neighborhood! We're not afraid of you, villain!" 

      "I swear I'm not a villain! Please just let me go!" Cowering further into the wall behind her, all she could do was close her eyes in anticipation of an attack. "Please stop!" The man in front's weapon began charging up, before firing a blast in her direction. Just as it was about to hit her, someone jumped in front and took the blast for her. Opening her eyes, she looked over to the person, who quickly ran in front of her and threw their hands up. 

     "Everyone please stop! I know tensions are high because of the villain attacks, but please take a closer look. She's harmless! I'll take care of her, so please find shelter and stay safe." The man took a second look at her and the boy who saved her, before clicking his tongue and starting to run off. 

     "Whatever! It's her fault for dressing up like that and walking around at night in the first place..." The others followed him, leaving her with just the boy. All she could do was hide her face in her hands, still feeling the shock and adrenaline from the incident. An umbrella was held above her head, prompting her to look up at the boy. 

     "Are you alright?" He held his hand out to her, which she took after a moment. He handed her the umbrella as she stood, though he made no effort to keep himself dry. "Why are you out here on such a rainy night?" 

     "I-I missed my chance to get to a shelter that'll take me in... Since the city hadn't gone through any major changes yet I figured I could stay inside while everything would blow over, but I kept hearing about people nearby getting hurt. I got scared and decided to make a run for the shelter, but so many shelters kept turning me away because I'm a mutant. I wanted to try UA next but I... I..." Starting to cry, Ippan brought her hands to her eyes to stifle her tears, dropping the umbrella on the boy in front of her. The young man grabbed it and... floated? upwards to hold the umbrella over her head for her. "I'm sorry! I got so scared and..." 

     "It's alright, I believe everyone is just as scared. " 

     "Will everything go back to normal?" The boy looked solemnly at her for a moment, probably hesitating about how to answer her.

     "It will." Just as she said this, the headlights of a car tore around the street corner. Speeding up to the two of them, Ippan braced herself to run as the car came to a stop. "Sorry, I have to get going." The driver's side door opened and out came... All Might? "Ah, All Might..." 

      "A-All... huh?" Ippan looked hurriedly between the two, wondering why All Might of all people was here. Did the boy know him? She had heard the rumors of All Might having a love child in the hero program... maybe they were true? This boy looked and sounded around that age...

     "All Might, could you please take her to the UA shelter? I'm sorry but I can't go with you." The young man started off, but All Might chased after him with something in his hands. 

     "Wait! Please take this with you." He placed a rather large bento box in his hands, the heft visibly weighing the boy down. "It's got pork cutlet in it, it should help keep your strength up." Somehow, Ippan was able to tell the boy smiled under his mask as he offered his thanks. As he flew off, All Might walked up to her with a reassuring look on his face. "Please, come with me. I'll make sure you get to the shelter safely."

     She was shell-shocked, both from the attack and being in the presence of All Might. Not even so much in his presence, but talking to him. No, about to be in the same car as him! "T-thank you... Would you rather I sit in the back or..." 

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