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((POV of ?????))

I sat in my cell, and waited for a guard to come with dinner. I knew I wouldn't be allowed to go to the cafeteria today because of how I acted after seeing Dr Schmitt.

I picked up my book, the only one I was allowed in my cell other than the bible.

Last time I read I had to put the book down because one of the characters was dying. I didn't want to re-live anything, though I was very close to the end of the book. It's name was "A Cult of Beasts". I really didn't understand the name of it until now.

" They thought I was me. They were wrong. But when they finally found me, it was too late.

"Wait for me in Heaven?" Arnie cried.

"I promise. Swear on my goldfish." Blair laughed, coughing up warm, dark blood.

Arnie laughed tiredly. An old joke shared between the two of them. Blair's 6 year old goldfish.

"I knew this would happen. It always does. I told you to leave, but you didn't. You still had a chance! I'm mainly sorry that somewhere along the way I started to care about you." Arnie sobbed.

"Please, stop crying. I want to see you smile." Blair begged.

Arnie smiled sadly at Blair, and she smiled back. They were both tired, but never wanted to leave each other.

"I love you." Confessed Arnie.

"I love you too."

Blair's head lolled away, and Arnie sobbed silently over the lifeless, blood-soaked body.


"What? No! That can't be the end! What happened to Arnie?" I exclaimed.

"I know how ya feel, kid." A guard said, walking to my cell with a tray of food. "I read the same book, you're pretty strong for not cryin' through that last part. False endings really get to me though."

The guard was a shorter woman with long brown hair pulled into a bun. She had a strong Irish accent, particularly Cork. She seemed pretty nice.

"Me too" I complained. "Do you know if the next book is in the library?"

"Y'know? I don't think it is." She remarked "But, I have it at home. I'll bring it for ya, you seem like a good kid. Why're ya locked up, anyways?"

"Charges are for murder, but it was an accidental manslaughter. No one believes me, though."

"Ya poor thing! Don't worry, I believe ya. Ya seem like a sweet thing, wouldn't hurt a fly, unless it came at ya with it's legs out!" She laughed.

"Say, what's your name?" I queried.

"Caoimhe, what's yours?"


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