Chapter 21 - Whiplash

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Brock's boss approached their little group. "Dr. Hamilton, you must introduce me to your friends," Dr. Georgiou said. Brock lit up at the use of his title, and Georgiou smiled at the effect. He was a man with a generous air about him - in his fifties, with salt and pepper hair. Once introductions were made, he had many questions for the two elves. From family history to personal views. He had an intensity to his curiosity that was similar to Brock's. He could see why they got along.

When the professor moved on, Rafi stepped in. "Enjoying yourselves?" he asked mildly.

"Very much so. Have you seen Brock's Pragya pic?" Zen asked.

Rafi glanced at it briefly. "Yes, it's quite beautiful. I like the photo of me as well. Though, I couldn't help but think, in another life, your picture would have been beside mine," Rafi said.

"In another life," Zen agreed.

"What really brings you here, Zenneth?" Rafi asked. "Not just friendship. There are many intriguing people here, yes. But, I thought you were done with intrigue. It's not to speak with me. You know how to get in touch. Are you brewing some kind of revenge for the raids? Keeping tabs on me? Or are you poking around others you think have the answers you're looking for?" He looked at Kevyn then. "I think nosiness may be contagious."

"I think you're projecting," Zen answered. "When you're a - meddler, you think everyone else is, too."

Rafi switched his attention to Brock. "I had the item we discussed brought to me. Shall we negotiate its entrance into your collection somewhere else?"

Brock's eyes lit up. "Sure. In my office." Brock was truly interested, Zen could tell, but he seemed hesitant to be alone with Rafi at the same time.

"I'll come along," Zen offered.

"I was about to suggest the same. I think you'll be interested as well," Rafi said.

"Me, too," Kevyn put in.

"And I'll bring my courier," Rafi said. "Shall we?" With that, he turned and made for the hallway. His 'courier', who had been standing a distance away - a burly elf with a scar on his neck - locked step with him. Brock looked at Zen and went next. Zen and Kevyn followed.

Rafi waited at the threshold, and said low to Zen, "Don't look so ready for a fight."

Brock in the lead now, they climbed the stairs and went into the redhead's office. They stood tightly packed around the desk, the room too small to comfortably fit this many people.

Rafi went into his pocket and took out a small object wrapped in a green silk handkerchief. He unfolded it and put the object on the desk. A golden pendant with a familiar emblem on it. A bull wreathed in wisps of Shadow. The emblem of the Dark Empire.

"Where did you get it?" Brock asked in awe.

"So you're interested?" Rafi asked.

"What would you like for it?" Brock asked in turn.

"Your cooperation for at least the next ten minutes," Rafi said, as a wreath of shadow starting filling the room. Zen glanced around with keen eyes as the smoke grew thicker.

"That shadow dog wasn't a gift," Zen said. "You're a Shadow Master."

"That's right," Rafi said.

"And I bet none of your business partners know."

"They don't," Rafi confirmed.

"I bet there's a lot they don't know," Kevyn said.

"Run," Zen said to Brock and Kevyn. Zen took Brock's hand to pull him along, knowing Kevyn could take better care of himself than his academically inclined friend. Zen made for the door, but Rafi's courier had positioned himself so that he blocked the way. The goon pushed him back just enough that he had to take a step back, knocking into Brock.

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