Chapter 34 - Operation: Buy some jewels

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Downtown Hellgate brimmed with life and danger; pleasure and pain. It was a tourist trap where the residents chewed them up and spit them out, and the tourists thanked them for it.

Someone in an over-the-top werewolf outfit, with a shirt made of fur and a false protruding snout had a crowd around her as she played at viciousness. Plenty of tips went into her bowl on the ground. A demon with huge bat wings passed by Brock in a business suit, cell phone to his ear. A small cluster of pale-faced youths gathered in the twilight, people watching with hungry eyes.

It was also where Brock and Lula were meeting the jeweler Lula had in mind.

"You got me out of that place, at least for a couple hours." Brock said. Lula's eyes slid to his. "Does this have anything to do with what we discussed before?"

Lula shrugged with his hands still in his pockets but a smile graced his lips.

"You needed a change in scenery," he said.

The smell of beef and onion wafted to Brock's nostrils, and he suppressed a groan. The food at the Keep was alright, but nothing beat a grease cart now and again. He must have been pretty obvious in his delight since Lula went over to the cart and got a sandwich for each of them.

Brock took the offered sandwich and peeled back the foil. Took a bite. It was delicious. Brock took a larger bite emphatically.

Lula was looking at him again. When Brock took notice, he said, "I could have liked a guy like you."

Brock's cheeks turned pink, from pleasure, embarrassment, and a sense that he wasn't sure if he was being mocked. "Could have?" he ventured.

"If things were different," Lula explained. "If I - knew you sooner."

"Before coming to the Keep?"

"Something like that."

"Were you very different?" Brock asked.

Lula laughed. "I've always been sociable, but I was much more laid back. I never could have imagined the life I have now, though it is exciting."

"Could you ever go back?"

"I don't think that's an option for me. I'm so restless. It's hard to think the way I used to. I don't think I could go back if I tried." Lula said the last with finality, closing the subject.


The stop at the jeweler was fruitful. A trusted friend of Sion's, so the haggling wasn't too crazy. He had many of the items on hand, and the rest he would collect for them within the next few days. All except for the piece de resistance - the emeralds. Though, he did mention someone who might have them.

Celeste Gremory was independently wealthy and an eclectic collector, as well as a Warlock, and a friend of Lula's. Lula checked his phone at the mention of her name. "Perfect, she's having a party tonight. She might be in a generous mood and sell us what we need. You game, Books?"

"What kind of party?" Brock asked reluctantly. "They're not gunna suck me dry and throw me in the dumpster are they?"

"Only if you want them to," Lula said playfully. Brock rolled his eyes and Lula smiled. "Just act like that and you'll be fine."


The cab pulled up to a large manor house. "This is the place?"

"That's right. Welcome to the inner circle," Lula replied.

They were welcomed in the grand foyer by a server in a black mini dress giving them each champagne. Lula thanked her and took a sip, relishing the taste of it with his eyes closed. Lula was quite the sensualist, Brock noted as he sipped his own. He felt the bubbles pop on his tongue.

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