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"I see it but I don't believe it" Bodhi squeals.

"Summer Torres is officially frothing!"

"Come on, I'm not here to throw shrimp on the Barbie" Summer added in a terrible Australian accent.

Then we were off surfing at sunrise

"Yeah! Whoo!"


"Okay, okay! Let's go, let's go! Get up, get up! Ears wide open, yeah? And no backchat. It's hard enough teaching you guys as it is" Manu stated as he rushed us out of the van.

"Poor Manu" poppy said as we walked away leaning into Emmy with a frown on her face.

"I know. It's so unfair"

"There's no way the new coach'll be better" Emmy nodded she was right Manu had helped us a lot and she was extremely thankful for that.

Wren appeared rushing out of the door of the building "in here team" she waved.

"Go run to her" Summer said to Ari "is there a problem?" he asked, taking in Summers passive aggressiveness.

"Wren called her an entitled brat. To her face" confused Poppy, with that Emory rush her best friend away from the two and into the centre.

As the group gathered inside, they watched a brown haired woman kicking a punching pad that Griff was holding, when  finally it looked like he had had enough and ended up sprawled on the floor. 

"Okay, is everyone here?" The woman asked, Emmy looked around the room noticing the pink hair boys absence, she frowned. "I'm Elo Radic, you're new coach" Poppy looked over at Emmy with a surprised expression, she knew that Bax had an older sister but didn't know she was a coach or into surfing it just never came up any of their conversations.

Elo got the team into their own workouts as she begun her speech. "Well congratulations on making the Victorian state team. It's no small feat. It's just a shame that you guys having brought home a national title in, what is it, 20 years?"

Just then the gym door opened, and Bax appeared wearing ridiculous, looking thick, white rimmed glasses, and the brightest pair of orange shoes possible. What in the world was this boy thinking Em silently thought, shaking her head.

"Ah, sorry, sis. Did I miss your big inspirational speech?" he asked looking at her then looking around the room at everyone.

"Burpees now" she answered "all of you, until I say stop" she added.

Before Bax started, he made eye contact with Emmy and winked, making her roll her eyes before she drop down.

"What happened to ' surfing's an individual sport?" Asked Summer.

"It's called accountability, Torres. Burpees now" that was the end of the conversation.

After what seemed like a painful amount of time, the group finally split into their own workouts once again, Emory sticking with Poppy, which eventually led to Marlon and Griff, almost getting into a fight and the girls getting in between them to try and settle it.

Elo took that as her sign to grab the groups attention and pull them in to talk about airs. "Right, so ten years ago aerial surfing was underground" Elo began.

As Elo was explaining, Emmy felt a tug on her shoelace and looked down watching Bax who happened to sit down right beside where she chose to stand, she kicked her foot at him, making him look up. " what are you doing?" She mouthed.

He smiled. " your shoelace was undone" he kept his eyes on her as he went for her laces again, giving them a quick tug before proceeding to tie it up, giving her shoe a quick pat. "All good"

She tore her gaze away from him, finally returning her focus to what was happening, Wren attempting a flip which was laughable.

She felt Poppy nudge her "bit of an anti-climax"

"Got that right" she laughed, as Summer joined in. "guess our fearless captain can't do everything." She called.

Then Elo told Summer she was up to which she executed a beautiful flip "Yes! Summer! good technique. That's more like it" she clapped.

"Bax, your up"  he heaved a sigh and thought about it for a couple minutes before finally standing, bumping into Em lightly.

Watching Bax flip and then flop to the mat And lay there for a minute made Emory laugh she just couldn't hold it in anymore, this made him poke his head up and look at her. "Sis I think Em wants a turn"

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