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Emory was sitting in bed when her phone pinged, Summer was having a team bonding party.

"Hey Travis do you mind if I g-" she was cut off by him, holding his finger up with his phone to his ear.

"Look I don't care what he wants it's not happening" Emory took in this moment to notice how stressed her brother looked, that made her nervous. He was never fun to be around if he was upset.

"Look I've gotta go. But make it very clear he is not allowed anywhere near this house" that made Emmy's brows furrow  who was he talking too.

"What is it that you want" he let out a sigh looking over at her.

"Um.. I was just wondering if.. maybe.. I could go to Summer's for some Team bonding? But if you want me to stay home tonight that's fine" she was nervous and didn't want to upset him.

"Yeah sure whatever" he grumbled.

She nodded her head before turning to head back up the stairs, but paused "is everything okay?" She asked quietly.

"Emmy. I told you, you could go to the damn party so go" he slimed his hand down on the counter, as she scurried up the stairs.


The party had already started by the time Emory had made it, teens littered the backyard. This was a lot more than team bonding.

Poppy was quick to grab the girls attention and pull her into a hug. "You all good? Travis let you come with no problem?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. do you think Manu would mind if I crash at your place tonight?" The girl ask playing with her hair and not looking Poppy in the eyes.

" Yeah of course" Poppy smiled, she was always so good at not over questioning when Em was uncomfortable/upset, before they can continue the conversation Griff came and pulled her away.

That's when Emmy noticed Summer struggling to pick up a statue. "Hey Sum you need some help with that" she asked coming to the girls rescue.

She was met with an immediate "yes" and laughed at the girl.

"where to boss, Lady" Emmy laughed.

" I think it should be safe in my moms room" the girls start their trek into the house. "So did you notice Bax? I think he was looking for you" Summer asked.

"Nope" she said popping the 'p', now to think of it. The girl hadn't even seen him around. She had ran into Wren, but no Bax.

As they approach Summer's Mom's room the girls could've sworn they heard voices, Summer rolled her eyes then barged into the room first "can you not read?" Summer asked

That's when Emmy noticed Bax standing in nothing but his underwear with a red headed girl. Guest he didn't want to look that hard.
" apparently that's not his strong suit" Emmy added looking at Summer, Baxter let out a laugh as Summer put the statue down.

"You wanna, uh... come join us?" He asked looking at the green eyed girl. "We're very inclusive, right?" he then added, looking down at the red head.

"You're serious?" Ask the girl stunned.

"A little"

With that the redhead was out the door.

"No, come back" Bax fake concerned, as he then grab Summer's mom's robe.

"That's my mom's take it off, you know what I'm gonna let you handle this one" Summer said turning to face Emmy, with that she followed the redhead.

"Don't you need to follow your girlfriend" Emmy asked bored and a little annoyed.

"No, I prefer to let 'em fly. You know? Besides, she's a bit of a vacuum pasher. The who kinda..." he then proceeds to suck loudly.

"Hey, watch it! Poor girl. Rumours like that spread fast around here" but Bax had already knew that he had heard so much through the grapevine.

He walked closer to the girl "anyway you and me both know she's not my girlfriend. In fact, she's not really my type either"

"Oh ya" the girl asked looking up to him as he got closer. "Then what is your type Baxter"

"You know I hate when people call me that... but I'm starting to like it when you do" he smirked leaning closer to her face. " brunette, green eyes and about ye tall" he put his hand at Emory's head, showing it to be exactly the girls height.

It was the girls turn to lean closer. Her breath fanning over his face. "In" she paused "your" This time she licked her lips." dreams" then pushed off of him and walked out the door, leaving him smiling after her.


Summer and Emmy decided it would be a good idea to pull the trampoline up to the pool so they could flip into the water, making the teens all circle around and cheer them on.

That's when Summer happen to notice Wren "hey cap, just practicing some airs" she shouted at the blonde before nodding at Emmy and they both jumped in doing a front flip each, Summer resurfacing first and Emmy following shortly behind.

As the girls made it to the edge of the pool Wren bent down and looked at Summer " you should try that again. Maybe this Time you'll smash your kneecap" she growled out.

Emmy rolled her eyes before piping up loud and clear so everyone could hear her. "What's that, Wren? Of course you can have a turn" Summer smiled, looking over her shoulder to the girl nodding her head in a thank you kind of way.

"Oh wait. Airs aren't really your thing, right" added Summer.

It was like they were in the gym all over again as Wren's terrible attempt at a flip, but this time it ended up with her coming up and crying out that she had smashed her ankle and Ari had run to her rescue.

After Wren had settled on a chair with Ari helping her, Summer dragged Emmy over to the barbeque to help her but she wasn't much help as they both struggled.

"Here let me help" came Bax's voice.

"No I think I-" Emmy was cut off by Bax's hands touching hers "Bax-"  that was the last thing she said before things went up in flames. literally.

"This isn't... this isn't my fault" Bax stated stressed, running his hand through his hair before looking at Emmy "this can't be my fault, right?"

Summer cut in "Nope. This is all me. You guys get out of here. I've got it covered"

"Cmon Bax" Emmy said gently walking him away.

"Em I didn't mean to do that, same with the club house. You know that right?" The boy looked at her almost like he was going to break down.

"I know Bax" came the girls quite reply. "I know" she hugged him.

Emmy kept your eye out for Poppy, but couldn't find her. " can you see Poppy anywhere?"

Bax stop looking at the ground and started looking around. " afraid not, why?"

Emmy sighed "I... uh.. was going to spend the night at her place"

"Is Travis being a dick again?" He asked right away.

"No" the girl was quick to answer, then added. " there's just been drinking involved and I don't want him to get mad."

"I'll walk you to Poppy's place" Bax said not questioning any further.

They walked in comfortable silence, their arms brushing against each other every once in a while, Once they finally had gotten to Poppy's laneway Emory turned to face him.

"Thanks Bax" she spoke so quiet, almost like she was whispering.

"Yeah it's no prob" he said turning to walk away but he didn't get far as Emmy pulled him back and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Good night Bax"

He smiled, touching his cheek.

"Night Star girl"

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