20| Eyes Don't Lie

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I stormed  home looking for that fucker I call my sister

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I stormed home looking for that fucker I call my sister. She left with no indication, she knows the fucking danger she could put herself through.

I found her in the kitchen, eating leftovers. "What the fuck Cecilia?" I said as she turned my way.

"Hi Luciano, hi Riccardo."

"Why the fuck did you leave?"

My words didn't faze her, nothing could faze Cecilia. "I was hurt and upset," she replied calmly.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh don't worry," she smiled, "your little enemy helped me."


"Rosette Silva, lovely woman," her smirk grew.

My jaw tightened. "Why were you talking to her?"

"Actually," she put her fork down. "She helped me, she sat with me while I cried and she walked me out to the car, lovely woman."

"What happened?" Riccardo spoke up.

She sighed, her eyes gleamed with sadness. "Dan Torres is a bitch, he tried to get it on with me," Cecilia said softly. Her words were muffled, as if she didn't want to fully say it.

"Dan Torres? That little pussy actor?" My voice darkens as I spoke.

"Well," Riccardo spoke up, "I seen Rosette punch him then walk away, he pulled her down a corridor, it was weird."

She's always punching shit.

"Well, she doesn't know why we don't like her," Cecilia spoke over him. "She has no idea."

"That's because she's a fucking idiot," I told Cecilia. "We need to get this plan into action soon, or Felix will find out."

"You need to drop the plan, she's a really nice girl she doesn't deserve it," Cecilia almost pleaded.

Tonight's the night. The plan is in action. And I don't care who it hurts or who it will affect. It needs to happen.

"Christian is going to drive you home," I told Cecilia before walking away.

This is happening.

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