Chapter 24: Hero's Day Part 1

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After facing another supervillain late at night, you four heroes go home and fall asleep. However, you are soon awoken only seconds later and reminded that it's Heroes' Day: a day where every Parisian has to do a good deed in honor of their superheroes. 

Marinette panics since her time as Ladybug prevented her from preparing hers, but she is saved by Tom and Sabine, who give her and you a box of macarons to give to your classmates.

Meanwhile at the Agreste mansion, while getting ready for school, both Vanitas and Adrien get dressed and both of them brush their teeth.

When they both are trying to spit it out they were both nudging their elbows fighting the sink.

"Blonde I need to spit!" Van brushing his teeth.

"So do I!" Adrien argued.

They spit but Vanitas just purposely miss the sink and spit on Adrien's neck. Adrien's spine goes spike up in horror.

"Oops~! I missed!" Vanitas grins innocently.

"VANI!" Adrien shrieks.

Once their done while Adrien wipe off the spit off this neck they grab their bags and see their father front of their mother's statue in the garden before going out. Vanitas sees Nathalie downstairs getting their schedules.

"The fencing hall is booked for 6:05 p.m. and the Chinese classroom for 6:35 p.m. just as you boys wished, and remember that you both have to make an appearance in the Agreste Foundation's Heroes Gala."

"We'll be there for certain." Vanitas and Adrien nodded as they take their leave and walk out the door,  with their bodyguard escorting them.

After Adrien leaves for school with his bodyguard, Nathalie goes to talk to and tells him that it's time to implement his plan, pointing out how his target, , has had months to brood her anger over Ladybug. It will be peaked now that everyone is celebrating her on Heroes Day. Gabriel asks Nathalie if she's really okay with helping him, to which Nathalie says that she'll always be there for Gabriel.

At school, Lila speaks to through a video chat. She tells them that she is in the country of (The Kingdom of Achu) and had been invited by him to his palace.

"Hello, everyone! Hi (Y/n)!" Lila waves in the camera and mostly at you.

"Hi Lila!" You shyly waved and everyone chimes.

"We can't wait to hear what you've been doing since our last video chat. Tell us about your week in the Kingdom of Achu." Miss Bustier smiles.

Marinette sneers at the screen, typing on her phone trying to out the girl as the liar she is.

"It's absolutely amazing! Prince Ali invited me and my parents to his gorgeous palace." Lila said.

Marinette is aware of Lila's deceitful nature, attempts to expose her lies by pointing out that Prince Ali is in America so she found what she was looking for. "Excuse me, Lila, but Prince Ali couldn't possibly have invited you because he is in the United States."

Everyone whips around to Marinette, shocked from her rather true statement. The evidence was on her phone, broadcasting the news that held his location.

Lila laughs.  "I never said he was actually there, Marinette. I just said he invited us, that's all. His parents organized the visit-"

"She's lying, and I'll expose her for the fake that she is." Marinette hissed venomously under her breath, but it was loud enough for you and Alya to hear.

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