Chapter 4

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Y/n's POV

The next morning, you both walked downstairs to see everyone already awake. Alora grinned and got up from leaning against Zoro,
" How was your night you two?"

Luffy returned the grin and sat back in his place on the floor, clearly to childish to figure out her plan that she intended to have. You just awkwardly sat in your place, wrapping yourself in your blanket and sitting in the shade of the room.

" It was great! Me and Y/n have learnt more about each other and I even found out Y/n and Alora are vampires!"

Tension in the room arose at him stating that, the grin on Alora's face completely vanishing. She sent you the look of ' what did you do?', and you just shrugged with a small, nervous smile. The room was filled with shock.

Luffy noticed the crew acting quite cautious and alarmed and laughed,
" It's not to worry! They're vampires that don't hurt humans, they just get their blood from blood bags that they steal,"

You nodded, fiddling with the tips of your hair nervously. You hated that you were the centre of attention, whereas Alora just didn't care. Nami asked, curiously and suspiciously,
" What exactly are you able to do?"

Responding, you took a deep breath to inhale and calm your nerves,
" We can Compel people, we travel inhumanly fast, we can heal faster and I think we can turn off our emotions when we want too, like a switch,"

Luffy's eyes were practically sparkling in amazement. Nami just shrugged, leaning against the wall wrapped in her tangerine blanket,
" I'm not bothered as long as you don't attack our crew members and I,"

A sigh of relief escaped your grasp, just noticing that chopper was still asleep in his sleeping bag, not to mention it was quite big compared to him so it looked like he was drowning in quilts.  He looked adorable.

After the sleep over, you and Alora packed up before heading back to your house. As soon as you got through the door, you grabbed your pillow and hit Alora in the face.

" You planned to leave me with Luffy! You traitor!"

She just laughed and grabbed her pillow, hitting you back. You began to chase each other around the house, laughter consuming the air until you both collapsed onto your beds. She looked at you chuckling, her fangs showing a little as she did so,
" I did that to give you a boost. By the way, Zoro and I are official now we've just not announced it to the crew yet,"

You sent her a proud grin,
" I don't think you need to announce it; you looked pretty obvious to me,"

She just rolled her eyes playfully and went deep into thought. It was silence for a few seconds. The only thing you could hear was the wind howling like wolves outside. She then asked,
" Is it true? That we can turn off our emotions?"

You just shrugged,
" Possibly. I don't know. I wouldn't give it a try if I were you. You'll be a right pain in the ass, worse than you already are,"

She threw another pillow at you, hitting you right in the face chuckling. You stuck your tongue out at her and began,
" Patience is all I need, Alora. I'll be with him eventually, hopefully at least,"

" That's my bestie,"


No one's POV

Across the large, peaceful blue ocean was a desert island. It was just like any ordinary desert, except that there were strange beings that lived within the desert that could kill you before you could even blink. In the main city, laid a wealthy but cruel man who always carried a large cigarette and wore a golden hook.

He was the boss off Baroque works. Also known as N.0 and Crocodile.

He grinned at the information on the paper,
" It seems the prophecy has come true. Two teenage vampire girls have suddenly come out of nowhere. Same age as the straw hat captain,"

He placed the paper down and grabbed his snail that he uses to communicate through to his subordinates, either to command or to check if missions had been completed. A person picked up on the phone,
" Yes, Boss?"

" I have a mission for you. I want you to get two vampire girls from Pirate Academy without suspicion. I want them alive. Their names are, Y/n and Alora. Do you understand, Valentines Day?"

" Yes Boss,"

He then put down the phone and chuckled. Valentines Day was her alias. She was one of the best warriors and assassin in the entire company. She could eliminate her opponents and enemies in less that 5 seconds. She's usually kept secret from how powerful she was; consider her as Crocodile's secret weapon.

" This shall be fun,"

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