{12} you and Jeremiah {stargazing}

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fake scenario for you bc im bored (read end)

I lay with my back on a picnic blanket, and my hands tied to my sides, knees bent and a smile playing on my face. A shadow leers over me and I look over to see who it must be. It's Jeremiah.

Jeremiah's messy curly hair lifts the frame of his face and his eyes stare intensely at my lips and then back on my eyes.

My hands go to my chest to cover myself, feeling uncomfortable as I'm in a small pink bikini after returning from the beach, but instead he shakes his head, "Don't do that," I mumble a 'why' and his eyes wander over my body, subtly biting his lips at God-knows-what. "You're too beautiful to cover yourself around me." My smile tilts at the compliment and he is still standing there and staring. "And gosh, your body, face, everything-" His tongue is in his cheek before he adds to his sentence. "It's so hot."

My cheeks inflame a rosy pink when he does the next thing.

He sits over next to me and wraps me in his arm, but his hand lies directly under my bare butt, holding my bikini barely on as he smirks, looking in my eyes and not saying a word, but to state the obvious in our heads.

"You can't do that." I mumble, looking into his eyes and trying to hide the fusion of pink in my cheeks with a frown, but instead...

His free hand grips my neck and my breath treads fast as his hand almost chokes me. He slowly, extremely slowly, uses that same hand to lower it down to my body, tracing my chest and stomach and almost the inside of my thighs. He does not look away from my eyes when he does it, to see how tortured I am, being tied to his body and feeling frozen. Then he traces his hand up to my neck again and before I can say anything his lips dip into mine and his grip holds me strong, his hands entangled around my neck and his other hand touching me hard, on my butt.

phew. I hope this supports your fake scenario ideas because this one really got me, and is something.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thank you so much for a whopping 13,800 reads! that is an insane amount of people and i feel intimidated to write knowing so many people read this stuff, but i'll always continue.

+ yes yes I know, to point out the elephant in the room, what the hell am I doing writing another chapter in NOVEMBER?? I literally don't know tbh, but I am SOOOO excited for season 3!

have a great day/night! see you soonnnnnnn <333

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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