E I G H T .

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Ana was woken up by Jere who had forced her out of bed with the excuse that it was a 'busy day' and she had to hurry. She walked downstairs in nothing but basically booty shorts and Jere's large shirt, because she's hadn't packed for a vacation. She packed for a night.

"Did somebody get muffins?" Jere asked as the two rounded the corner to see Julia and her child Skye.

"Hey, Jeremiah and hey..."

"Oh, um... Analise." She said, and skye nodded.

Everyone eventually ended up in the kitchen and Jere looked to Conrad, "you didnt tell me she was here too."

"It's they. Not she." Skye snapped, "I guess it's been like a decade since I saw you guys. Uh, how are you doing since your mom...?"

"It's been rough."

"Rougher now that our aunts stealing our house." Conrad spoke.

"I'm not stealing anything, Conrad. Like it or not, I get to choose what happens to this house and I choose to put it on the market. You boys should get on the road, beat the traffic to Boston."

"I think it's too late for that... the roads are so awful. You know Boston." Ana said, reaching for a muffin and taking a bite.

"Yeah, there's no chance. We're staying for the open house." Conrad said.

"Uh, no. I can't have a bunch of teenagers chasing everyone away. Call your father, because this isn't an aunt Julia problem." The woman said.

"Except it is. Because you are the problem.."Conrad continued.

"I don't have time for this." The woman huffed, walking out of the room.

"Connie... shes still your family." Ana spoke up, leaning on the counter next to the boy.

He looked down to her and shook his head. He knew she was right, and he knew he shouldn't be so harsh, especially when he was trying to get her to call off on selling the house.

"This is hard for her to." Skye mentioned.

"Really? Seems like shes doing this pretty fucking easily." He snapped.

"Connie." Ana hissed, putting her hand around his bicep and holding it there.

He took a deep breath, looking down at the counter.


Ana had to move into Jere's room since Steven had gotten to cousins. So she went to the room after talking with Julia and changed.

She didnt have much, just a tank top, and some shorts. So she ended up stealing another one of Jere's shirts and calling it good.

Ana ran downstairs when she heard the door bell ring. She quickly opened the door and saw a woman standing there.

"Uh, hi. Can I help you?" She asked.

"Hi, I'm Sandy Denati. I'm looking for Julia." She said politely.

"Oh! The realtor..?" The woman nodded her head and Ana took a deep breath, "you know, Julia actually decided to cancel the open house. Yeah, it's last minute.. but shes having some second thoughts."

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