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After the teens did laser tag, rock climbing, and shoot your shot, they all made their way to the aracadr once again. The next game they were going to do was dancing. But they just wanted to cool off for a little while.

"Ana." the young girl heard, she turned around and saw Conrad walking up to her as she looked at all the prizes in a small machine.

"What's up?" She asked, as they both started to walk to the dance game.

"So... you're having a comeback." He smiled.

"Yes, for sure. We're going to crush you guys." She laughed.

"You sure about that? Cause if you're sure. I'd be willing to make a little side bet."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, I was just thinking loser has to ride the tower of terror." He stopped walking and looked down to the girl.

"Didnt your brother and belly both say you use to cry just looking at that ride?"

"Oh, whatever... deal or no deal?"

"Deal." She giggled, and she shook the boys hand in agreement. 

They sat like that for a little longer than Ana had hoped. But it was comfortable... familiar.

She loved this boy at one point. He was her first love. That wasn't something she could just wish away. And even though, he hurt her... she couldn't help but feel butterflies when she looked down and saw their hands connecting.

"Uhm." She cleared her throat, and pulled away slowly, "let's get everyone around. It's time for another 'boardwalk battle'." She said walking away without another word and walking to Jere.

"Did I hear something about the tower of terror?" He asked.

"Eves dropping?" She laughed, "but... yes. Unlike you guys, I'm not scared of roller coasters or anything like that. I'm just built different." She joked. "and anyway. Competition is the only way Conrad stays happy. I know you both very well." She giggled.

"Yeah? And what makes me happy, Ana?"

"Cheese burgers, SZA, and... me." She whispered the last part and she looked down to the ground. She was kidding, but just thinking that she made him happy had given her a warm feeling.

"Always." He said softly, just watching as the girl blushed at her own words, "damn, you do know me."

"Yeah, well.. what can I say." She smiled.


The girls and Skye ended up losing. Meaning Ana had to ride the tower of terror and pay for the boys' candies. She didnt care, she thought it was a fun day either way.

"I'm so sorry to interrupt." Conrad said, walking up to the four of them talking, "m'lady." He smiled looking at Ana.

"Is it time?"

"It's time. The tower of terror awaits."

"Why am I kind of nervous now?" She said, shaking the nerves away.

"Should I give you my bag of candy beforehand?" Steven joked.

"Oh shush." She laughed.

The teens walked away, leaving Jere and Ana behind.

"Hey... no one said you had to do this alone. I can keep you company if you want me to." He smiled, sweetly.

"I'd actually really love that... not you coming with me. But knowing someone is more scared than me." She joked, grabbing his hand.

They all walked up and watched as Ana and Jere got on the ride. Their hands stayed interlocked the whole time. But when they started going up it was like everything disappeared.

Ana had completely forgotten about JJ, and Conrad, and school, and literally anything she had been worried about...

Jere just watched her, "I'm right here with you, okay?" He squeezed her hand in a reassuring manner as they stared at each other.

He thought, only for a moment, that maybe he didnt have any competition with Conrad. Maybe, they just acted like that together because of their long history.. it didnt matter. He thought that it was only him in her eyes.

And he was right. In that moment, it really was only him.

The ride dropped quickly, both of them not letting go of each other. They heard cheering from their friends. All but Conrad.

Ana watched the boy as she got off the ride. His smile was gone, he wasn't talking to them much, he was in an obvious bad mood.

"Are you okay?" She asked, but he only nodded back at her. Didnt really say anything.

He was upset... like he always was. And he was upset about Ana, like he always was.


"Hey, Ana." He ran up to her as they got to the house, "can we talk?"

Ana stopped walking and stood in front of him, once again. "What's up?"

"I just... this whole time I've just wanted to explain what had happened.. I wanted you to hear what I had to say and I'm starting to realize that it doesn't matter. It doesn't change what I did to you." He reached out and grabbed her hand gently, a sad look going across both of their faces as they looked down at their hands, "but now... I just want to apologize. And I want you to know that I am actually, genuinely, so sorry."

Ana's eyes filled, and she sniffled quickly. Shes heard him say sorry to her millions of times. But this time, for whatever reason felt real. It really did make something in ana click... he was sorry.

She walked toward him, letting go of his hand and wrapping her arms around his waist. Pulling him into a hug they both needed after what they had went through together.

"What the fuck!" They heard, and split apart quickly, practically running into the house.

When Ana walked in she didnt see anything... like literally. All the teens sat there looking at the empty house.

"Wha-" Ana started, holding back and cry... this was Susannah's home. The woman she considered a second mother. This was her boys' home... how could Julia do this?

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