E P I L O G E .

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It had been a year since everything happened. Since Ana chose JJ, and they made everything official.

A year since she said goodbye to everything she was holding onto from cousins. She was happier than ever. Every so often belly, jere, Steven, or even Taylor would send her a couple of texts... but she was a little hurt that she never heard from Conrad.

But it was okay... because here she was in a place called outer banks with her boyfriend, finally meeting with his friends for summer.

"You look hot." JJ smirked as the two walked up to a home that JJ called the château, "the scar is the hottest part." He said mentioning the cut ana had received the last day on cousins.

"Yeah, I'm sweating." Ana laughed, taking his hand and following his lead.

The girls eyes widened when the boy didnt even knock, they just walked in, "John B?!" He yelled.

"JJ?" They heard and suddenly four people came rushing towards the boy and engulfed him in huge hugs.

Everyone was in college so they were separated. Ana wasn't surprised by their reactions. If anything she thought it was the cutest thing ever.

"Oh my god! Your Analise!" A boy she knew as pope smiled, Ana nodded and she was instantly pulled into a hug, "Im pope, this is John B, this is Kie, and this is Sarah." He introduced.

"I'm... well you know." She laughed.

"Shes hot." John B whispered, making Sarah and JJ both glare at him, "what!? She is."

"Anyway! Are you hungry? Thirsty? We don't have much but we have-"

"Moldy bread and nasty ass cheese?" JJ guessed and the teens all nodded making Ana laughed even more.

She was going to get along with them.


Her and JJ were all over each other most of the day before they settled down outside in a hammock together. Everyone else laying around them.

This was a new beginning with new people in a new place... and even if it wasn't for long she couldn't be mad about spending the summer in a new place instead of cousins where she was constantly in some kind of drama.

Her phone dinged and she opened it to see a message from Conrad.

"Hope you're doing well, miss you."

Was all it said, and even though it was short, it was still sweet. She typed back a quick response before she turned her phone off and slowly started to doze off in the arms of her boyfriend.

Before she was abruptly interrupted.

"Where the fuck are you? You god damn pogues!"

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