Day Nineteen

2 1 0

Written 11/19/23

~Content Warning: mentions of abuse and sexual assault~

Scene One:

Calling Simon their asshole leader may have been the wrong move. He rolls his wrist against the loose zip ties. If he knew they were this bad at their job he could have just barged in when they were doing the handoff after he'd chased after their drug mule back to headquarters. Now black hides in his shadow ready to instigate a fight, but his anger has been brided. A clear head was something Bev stressed while fighting. If he lost his nerve or his control then they'd have the upper hand. Inanimate objects that can't fight back are different than humans with brains and instincts.

"If it isn't Lev back to beg for mercy after destroying the home we built together."

Levander bites his tongue and forces himself to face forward as the steps sludge in behind him. They circle him and relax in his steely glare. Simon, just as he had always been and yet smaller, uglier, and without the halo. His fingers rack back his oily hair and his lips part from his straight teeth in a lopsided smirk. A prominent lump on his head and a microscopic wince as he moves his shoulder.

"Tied up and at my behest. Once again we find ourselves here Lev. I might even forgive you for your horrendous behavior. Betraying me, hitting me with a chair, destroying my priceless possessions. What do you say Lev?" Simon kicks up foot up onto the chair between Levander's legs.

Levander grins sanity loosening, "Cut the crap, Simon. I'm only here for him."

"Yes, that boy toy you mentioned while trashing the apartment. Well, I regret to inform you," he leans over rancid breath singeing his nose, "I don't have him."

Simon chuckles taking a sweeping step back.

"What?" Levander grits.

"Aww, my sweet Lev. Did your emotions cloud your head? They tend to do that you know especially to people like you who should really stick to taking orders."

Had he really? He must be lying. Simon always lies. Bev had disappeared and the only way he could have--he could have gone back to Mr. Potts' like they agreed. But that man smiled at him like he knew something like they had taken something they could use as leverage. He has something else.

Simon waves his men out.

"No sense in them seeing me punish what's mine."

"Then what do you have?"

"Excuse me?"

"You know what I'm talking about. What do you have that could be used as leverage against me? What's stopping me for beating your ass and running back home, huh? What do you have?" Levander feels his voice rising with each word--the black rising from his shadow.

"I don't--"


Simon almost jumps at the ferocity, but his eyes narrow on Levander.

"You want to know what I have? Well, well, did the Groveler find his confidence. I think I'll have to break that."

"Tell me, you bastard."

Simon crouches in front of him and slithers a hand up Levander's leg. He mashes it in his fingers.

"Fine," he grits his teeth and stands.

He eats up the room crossing to a set of blinds and yanks the drawstring. A mass of bodies cowers in a corner and one hangs bolted to the wall--stripped. His blood-distorted tattoos bare to see. Was this his fault? Was he to blame? He scans the cowering bodies. Five of them writhe together, not daring to look up at Mr. Potts' bloodied body nor the light now pouring in from the window. Levander's blood runs cold like a transfusion from the freezer. Everyone he'd befriended. So many he cares for have been touched by this--monster.

The black swirls around him begging for him to shake off the zip ties and attack, but could he take him? It sets in. He'd barely made it out last time. Now six people count on him to do something he's never done before. He's only ever fought Bev. Simon is different. Simon offers no remorse. Could he forsake that? He clenches his hands in his lap.

Lindy peers up at him past the tears in her eyes. Audrey, Sydney, Nina, and Macy cling to her. She cradles them. Comforts them. Does she trust him to save them? To defeat Simon. To win?

"Listen to me!" Simon roars.

"Shut up," Levander spits.

"What did you say?"

He stands erect, steady, strong. Bev trained him for this. Lindy believe in him. He is strong enough. Simon holds no power over him anymore.

"Oh, didn't you hear me, old man? I said shut up. I didn't think I'd have to repeat myself," he tilts his head.

The smile from the apartment falls across his face. A taste of insanity.

"How dare you," Simon's nostrils flare.

He swings. Levander sidesteps and kicks. Simon sprawls onto the chair face first with a groan. Levander rips off his zip ties and readies his stance. A baton on the left table. The chair is always an option--another hit to Simon's ego. But how is he going to free them?

"You'll never free them," Simon taunts as he rights himself.

He throws the chair behind him and advances. They circle.

"And you're so sure?"

"I'm the only one who has the keys, and you'll never be able to beat me. You're nothing but a useless waste of space that's only use is to take cock. That's what you've been doing, isn't it? With your oh-so-precious boy toy. Taking cock like a good little slut. You deserve every punishment you're about to receive. Maybe I'll consider going easier on you if you put your hands to that window and drop your pants right now."

Levander takes a step out of range and pauses. Would that be his best shot? To get him while he's distracted and vulnerable. But--the thought of Simon's touch sends shivers down his body. Cold. He'd rather be fisted by a dragon than let Simon touch his body. He shakes his head. He'd just have to keep him talking and find those keys.

"You think I'd just submit to you now after tracking your every move for the last week and destroying your apartment? Yeah right."

"Our apartment Lev. Or have you forgotten all the wonderful times we've had."

"You mean the grooming and brainwashing and raping. Yeah, I remember."

If he could just--No.

Levander chargers faking an attack before side-stepping to the left and backtracking to the table. He snatches up the baton and readies his arm raises.

"Oh, you wouldn't really hit me, would you? I love you. Don't you remember that?"

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