Yoongi-Who I am to you?
Jimin-What you mean?
When he forgets him without knowing his love is waiting for him 💗😭
⚠️ Warning ⚠️
This story is fully fictional, This has nothing to do with real life 💗
I hope you will love this story 💗🥰
Let's start with our story _______________________________
*In park mansion*
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Small Intro J/D:- Jimin's Dad J/M:- Jimin's mom
?:- am sorry dad (crying)
??:- What sorry huh ? What sorry ? (Angry)
?:- Dad it was mistake (crying)
??:-Shut up park jimin
Jimin:- Dad I am really sorry
J/D:-I am homophobic you know right ? If you know you was gay then why you didn't tell this before ?
Jimin :- Dad !! (Cry)
J/M:- Plz listen him (J/D glace her )
Jimin:- Dad i get cheat he use me i am sorry
J/D:-I don't care get out from my house
Jimin:-Dad plz !!
J/D:- GET OUT !! (shout)
Jimin:-Dad plz listen to me......
J/D:-I SAID GET OUT (shout)
J/M:-Atleast listen to him...... ( J/D give death glace to J/M)
J/D:-My decision is final i don't want gay in my house
( Jimin get hurt by J/D's words )
J/M:- But he is our son
J/D:-SON ?? are you serious ? He is not my son (angrily)
Jimin:- Dad plz don't say like this plz ( crying)
J/D:- You still didn't go wait ( J/D hold jimin's hand and throw him out from house ) you are not park anymore don't show your face again ( angrily )( he close the door on jimin's face)
Jimin:- Dad plz don't do this plz dad i beg you plz ( crying)
J/M:- Why you did this ?
J/D:- I'm warning you if you went to meet him then see ( and he left to his room)
( In hall J/M was crying)
Jimin:- Why ?? Why with me ? It was my fault that I'm gay ? ( In mind while crying)