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' TAE COME AND DO YOUR BREAKFAST' jin shout from kitchen
Tae : coming grandpa ( tae left from yoonmin room )

( Yoonmin take relief )

Yoongi : Sir be careful plz

Jimin: but it's impossible to hide this things

Yoongi : I know sir but still till we tell them truth

Jimin : why are you helping , let me go I will handel myself

Yoongi : sorry this thing will not happened

Jimin : but.....(yoongi left ) why he his helping we don't even know each other then why ?

* Out side *

Yoongi : I am helping him because if we can help anyone then we should help but when he will understand ?? ( In mind and went to dining table and sit on chair )

Jin : why this much late ?

Yoongi : sorry grandpa

Rm : By the where is your friend ?? I mean jimin ( jimin came )

Tae : come sit jimin hy....

Jimin: You can call me jimin I am just 2 year older then you

Tae : Ok jimin come and sit with us ( jimin go and sit between taegi )

Jk : By the way grandpa I was thinking to go out (Jin look at him with 🤨 face )

Jin : why ? ( While eating )

Jk : grandpa it's been 3 months we didn't go anyone where plz...

Tae : Yes and now our exams is also end plz Grandpa

Jin: NO !! ( Cold)

Taekook : GRANDPA !! ( look at namjoon )

Nam : let's go jinnie

Jin : what Namjoon ???

Namjoon : yeah let's go it's been long time we also don't go out so let's go somewhere

Jin : fine if everyone what this then why I will say, No ?

Taekook :Thank you grandpa ( happily )

( yoongi got a call )

Yoongi : excuse me ( he left and other talk with each other and discuss about where they will go )

Yoongi : hello ??

?? : Hello Mr. Min  today is check up day

Yoongi : sorry ??

??: It's me mr.min your husband's dr

(Yoongi remember about hospital incident )

Yoongi : Dr he his not my husband

Dr : Oh yeah I forgot sorry

Yoon : It's ok Dr !!

Dr : ok so when you will come ! It was you who told me to remember you

Yoon : yeah sir today I will come with him

Dr : Ok come still 3pm....

Yoon : ok Dr thank you

Dr : ok bye

Yoon : Bye ( he cut the call and turn and see tae is standing behind him ) Wh....What ??

Tae : where are you going ??

Yoon : where I am going ?!

Tae : just now you say I will come with him, Where ??

Yoon : Th...That... That's nothing

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