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( After so many struggles jimin again starts talking with him......Mood swings guys 🙂 Poor yoongi 🤧)

( At dining table )

Jimin: I take my decision

Yoongi: Which decision?

Jimin: About my dream

Tae: Which jimin?

Jimin: I'm going to start my business

Yoongi: I gave my decision already

Jimin: Mr. Min plz...

Jin: Which business and why?

Jimin: Grandpa It's my dream I want to be a businessman plz

Namjoon:But baby it's not good for your health you know still?

Jimin:Grandpa I will take care of myself plz

Yoongi:I said NO and it's final

Jimin:Mr. Min plz don't destroy my dream

Yoongi:I'm not I'm jus...

Jimin:What just Mr. Min? What just? After my family threw me out you were the one who gave me shelter and everything that's why I'm asking you, I can start my business without telling you but I prefer to tell what I decide ( tears )

Jin : Baby listen please....( Jimin left to room )

Yoongi : Mr. Park...Mr. park...

Tae : Chim...Chim atleast listen...

Joon : If he want then let him do yoongi

Yoongi : Grandpa I'm not against anything but I'm just thinking about his health and his baby

Jin : yoongi It's is decision you don't interfere

Yoongi : But grandpa

Kookie : Grandpa How can you say this ? He is our family member and to think about his health it's our work

Jin : But what if he don't like

Tae : Grandpa he didn't say this he just said he want to start his business nothing more.

Joon : Right....yoongi go and help him it's his dream and if he think he want help then we are here

Yoongi : I'm just thinking about jis health grandpa nothing more

Kookie : Why you are thinking about his health hyung ( teasing tone )

Yoongi : You teasing kook shut up ( jk giggle and everyone chuckle )

Jin : You eat first and then feed him and talk with him ok

Yoongi : Yeah....( Then he eat and went to jimin with food )

* In room *

Yoongi : Mr. Park ( Jimin was sitting in balcony while looking at a sky ) Mr. Park...(He sit beside him ) I'm sorry ( Jimin keep quite ) Mr. Park plz eat

Jimin : I'm no....( Yoongi feed him )

Yoongi : I know you will not eat so I will prefer to feed ( Jimin stay silent ) Mr. park I'm sorry I was trying ti take decision of your life I'm sorry

Jimin : You are not, I'm sorry I react to much you was just thinking about me

Yoongi : No it's wrong to take decision in other's life

Jimin : It's fine Mr. Min

Yoongi : Ok tell me what you think about your business ? ( While feeding him )

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