New Beginning

411 27 4

( After 5 years )

( Jimin was working in the kitchen )


Jin: Jimin leave it if they want to go to the office then they will come or..

Tae: Why are you saying bad about me to my chim?( Tae back hug Jimin)

Jimin: Shut up you are my secretary you should be there in the office before me but you coming after me

Tae: Chim you know me now I'm hungry are you done with breakfast? ( while watching what he is making )

Jin: Why he will do everything? We all staying here then everyone will do the work, Jimin go and get ready for your office I will  do the remaining thing

Jimin: Grandpa I will do you go and call that Kookie...

Tae:He is sleeping

Jin: TAE.....

Tae:Going going why shouting? ( Tae left )

Jin:Jimin go and see your husband and your daughter

Jimin: Are they still sleeping?
( Jin nods and Jimin makes done face )( Jimin went to his room )

Jimin: YOONGI.....YOONJI ( both get up in a hurry )

Yoonji:Mumwma, whwy awe yw shwuting? {Mumma, why are you shouting?}
(While sitting in bed)

Yoongi: He doesn't have other work ( whispers while sitting in bed yoon-ji chuckles)

Jimin: Shut up Can you see time?

Yoonji:Itw's 8...{It's 8}

Jimin:Thank you so much for telling me the time I'm thankful to you miss. Min Yoonji

Yoongi: It's ok...It's ok ( Jimin glace both of them) Let's get up baby or your mumma will eat us raw

Yoonji: Ywu aewr rigwht Dawda { You are right Dada}

Jimin: If you don't come in 10mins then see ( Glace )

Yoongi and Yoon-ji: OK Mumma ( Both hug each other )

Jimin: Grandpa see them

Namjoon: Why do you like to tease my son

Yoonji: We arwe nwot grandpa {We are not grandpa}( Yoongi and Yoonji did high five)

Jimin: See Grandpa

Namjoon: Yoongi and Yoon-ji ( acting like scolding and teasing Jimin)

Jimin: I hate you all ( whine like a baby)( All chuckles )( Yoongi and Yoon-ji left for a bath and Namjoon left too)

Jimin:Yoongi, please be ready fast my car was in the garage  yesterday I told you ( shouting while getting ready)

Yoongi: I know...I know Jimin ( Both came out from the washroom)

Jimin: You get ready fast I will ready this brat

Yoonji: Mumwma ( Whine)

Jimin: Too much acting ( Yoon-ji giggles)

Yoongi: Yes my princess is a good actor I know ( proud )

Jimin: Wow see this father is proud of his daughter because of her acting ( Fake crying)

Yoonji: Mumwma Itw's OwK {Mumma it's ok} ( While patting his back)

Jimin: You bart( lightly hit on her hand )

Yoonji: Aa...( Pout )

Jimin: You become too much brat now let me make you ready for your school

Yoonji: OwK

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