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I got home from the meeting alone I still have baji's jacket I don't know why. As I walk in the house I see my mother smoking when she sees me she tries to hide it I don't know why she does it's no big secret I knew since I was seven.

_oh! Hello dear I did not see you_ my mother said to me coughing from the smoke. _hey mom_ I said back to her as I went to my room closing the door.

My family is the teachable family with the farther works and says his jobs makes him late and he has to stay later in reality he is cheating with his co worker and with the mother who is an alcoholic who knows her husband has been cheating on her for the past years but acts like she doesn't.

We are the pitch perfect family on the outside but in the inside we're a mess

I'm in my bathroom just looking at myself again with the blank look I have, the more I look at myself the more my eyes look dead. I don't like it, I like the spark I had in them.

I never really understood how I look like both the people I love and hate at the same time both the people who cause me to be at my lowest point in life but who has also been there for me. I just don't understand.

I was brutally interrupted by my thoughts by my self phone getting a message from the famous guy right now baji.

He wants me to meet at this place? I'm not stupid I know what he's doing he going to beat me for the test of faith I have ears and baji isn't the very brightest at hiding things.

I'll still go for Mikey won't be in his little mood he has been in since the news. I'll still go because that what's heros do.

I get to the place and it's dark it stinks. I see men surrounding the place and then I see baji he's waiting for me to come.

So like any good hero I go to the problem. There baji looks down on me and I give him a blank stare. And the words come out of this newcomer a boy with black hair and yellow stripes and crazy look in his eyes. _may the test of faith began!_ he yelled the men began to cheer. I knew it baji choose me of course to be the stupid test of faith.

Baji grab my shirt pulling me closer but before he could punch me I told him. _your ego ruins the relationship_ when I told him that he froze for a second before punching.

Here I am just there laying down on the cold hard floor I'm awake now no one is here or at least I think. I here footsteps approach me I look up to see the same boy with the yellow stripes. I know who he is he is kazutora the boy baji writs letters to.

He's looking down at me as I lay on the floor looking up at him with the same blank look with my beaten face.

_your a very pretty boy it's a shame baji had to use you_ kazutora told me with a little chuckle.

New person to add to my hate list. I hate it when people call me "pretty boy" I hate it. It makes me feel weak and small and I don't like that feeling one bit.

I don't say anything, well I really just don't have the strength for it. Baji really did beat me. Instead of saying something I just move my head slightly so I'm not able to look at him unless I move my eyes towards him.

_hey I'm talking to you brat!_ yelled kazutora as he bend down to grab my face making me look up at him. _I like your eyes pretty boy_ he said as he still had a tight hold on my face bringing our faces closer together.

_KAZUTORA!_ yelled baji making kazutora let go of my face and head over to baji. _see you later pretty boy!_ he yell out to me as he left with baji.

_what the fuck were you doing?_ baji ask kazutora annoyed at what he seen earlier. _what you mean pretty boy?_ ask kazutora with a smirk. _he has a name you know_ baji said basically growling. _clam down dog Jesus, your starting to make me think the whole test of faith is a fake?_ ask kazutora becoming serious. _of course it's not! Now let's go get something to eat_ said baji changing the subject.

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