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Today is the fight against Toman and Valhalla. Me and takemichi were getting ready for the fight together. _I can't believe it's the fight against Toman and Valhalla_ said takemichi as he tied his shoes. _yeah me either, let's just hope we can bring back baji-San and kazutora back_ I said as I look at him with some hope in my eyes, well more like one eye since my other one was still banged up.

_yeah hopefully we can bring those two back to Toman_ takemichi said as he pat my head, which earn him a smile from me.

_yeah hopefully we can bring those two back to Toman_ takemichi said as he pat my head, which earn him a smile from me

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On to the part where Toman and Valhalla are fighting and takemichi is holding baji, because I am lazy.

On to the part where Toman and Valhalla are fighting and takemichi is holding baji, because I am lazy

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_CHIFUYU! I have baji-kun! Hit him_ yell takemichi as he hold on to baji.

But I couldn't hit him for so reason my body wouldn't let me move to hit him, as much as I always wanted to I just couldn't. It was like something was holding me back to and telling me not to.

_I-I can't, I can't hit baji-San, I'm sorry takemichi_ I said as a single tear came out my eye, which talemichi made a confuse face at.

_EH!_ he yell right as baji elbow him in the face.

Kazutora was about to stab baji, I couldn't let that happen, I already screw up by not hitting baji, so for once I need to do something right

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Kazutora was about to stab baji, I couldn't let that happen, I already screw up by not hitting baji, so for once I need to do something right.

As Kazutora was about to stab baji I ran as fast as I could and push the knife out of Kazutora hands.

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