Chapter 1

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Konoha Forest: Nighttime

A portal opens up in the middle of a field in Konoha; for a few second nothing happens as it just hung 10 feet in the air horizontally. A second later 4 different screams came from the suspended portal; the next second 4 separate thuds hit the ground as 4 figures groaned in pain as the landing was less than graceful.

"That sucked so hard" a young black-haired girl wearing glasses said looking around at her 3 comrades.

"No" said a blonde-haired girl with a spikey ponytail and a diamond tattoo on her forehead.

"I think I just broke my ass in 6 places" complained a dark blue haired girl with lavender eyes and 2 red fang tattoos on her cheeks responded.

"Suck it up you 3" said a silver haired boy as he got up and adjusted his short sword on his back. "Did it work" he asked as he looked around.

"Yeah look" said the black-haired girl as she pointed to the Hokage monument. "Only 4 faces on it. We definatly made it."

"Ok" said the silver haired boy "now we just gotta find the target and then we'll- "he began as he was then interrupted by a yell.

"Naruto run" yelled a voice from only a couple dozen yard away.

"That was easy" said the silver haired boy "everyone get ready it's time to begin our mission" he said as the 3 girls got up and readied themselves as they chased after the voice.

With Naruto

"If you ever touch Iruka sensei again… I'll kill you" Naruto declared; he was pissed and had every right to be. Mizuki the traitor who convinced him to steal the forbidden scroll from the Hokage's office wounded Iruka and was seconds away from killing him until Naruto intervened by punching Mizuki away.

"I'd like to see you try" Mizuki spats back as he was confident with his skills as a chunin. His coincidence faded when Naruto made a hand seal and made well over 200 clones of himself.

"Ok time for your ass kicking" shouted all the clones as they pummeled Mizuki into unconsciousness.

5 minutes later

"Congratulations Naruto, you graduated" Iruka said as he finished putting his headband on Naruto's forehead.

Naruto was about to begin shouting and celebrating until he heard a voice call from behind him.

"Naruto Uzumaki" said a voice to which Naruto turned around and saw a strange sight.

4 ninja; 3 female and 1 male around his age were standing a few feet away. Seeing they were wearing Konoha head bands he smiled brightly at the group.

"That be me" Naruto said as the silver haired boy looked to Iruka.

"And you'd be" the boy asked to Iruka.

"Iruka Umino" Iruka said as he was confused as he never seen these particular ninjas before. Iruka was about to ask a question but was stopped as a short sword pierced his heart and looked into the eyes of the silver haired boy.

"Die deceiver" said the boy as he pulled out the sword and proceeded to cut his head off.

Naruto felt his world stop as he saw Iruka get murdered in front of him. Before he could even move a black-haired girl wearing glasses appeared in front of him removing her glasses as her eyes changed to red with a clack figure 8 in the middle.

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