Chapter 12

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Sakura and Ino were staring each other down as the crowd gathered look on in anticipation; Sakura decided to take the offensive and threw several shuriken at Ino. Ino used her sword to swat away the projectiles and saw Sakura running towards her weaving through hand signs; Sakura created 4 clones in order to confuse Ino. As Sakura approached she was kicked in the face and sent flying backwards into the wall; Ino was standing in the same spot with a smile on her face.

"Wow Suckura" Ino said taunting Sakura "you really are all brains and no brawn; you haven't improved since the academy at all have you" she said. Sakura got up angry at how her former friend and rival was taunting her.

"Shut it piggy" Sakura shouted "how about I come over there and-" Sakura began until Ino appeared in front of her and buried the hilt of her training sword into Sakura's stomach. Sakura had the wind knocked out of her; Ino using the opportunity she created continued her attack.

Ino then kneed Sakura in her face following up with a slash to the collar bone with her training sword. Ino then grabbed Sakura and threw her across the arena; Sakura was laying on the ground in pain as Ino stood over her with her sword raised over her head. Ino then brought the sword down to finish the fight but was stopped by Hayate using his own sword to stop her.

"Enough" Hayate said making Ino stop "match over winner Ino Yamanaka" Hayate announced; Ino looked at him in disbelief.

"What are you serious" Ino shouted in protest "we only fought for like 2 minutes; it can't be over yet" she whined. Hayate sweat dropped and pointed to Sakura.

"You broke her nose and collar bone she is in no condition to fight" Hayate said "don't worry you will have another chance to show your stuff later on" Hayate said. Ino bowed her head in disappointment and walked up to stand next to Ichigo.

In the stands

"Wow babe that was very fast" Ichigo said as Ino pouted.

"Man I didn't even get to show off any of the cool moves you taught me" Ino said "if I knew how easy that was going to be I would've used taijutsu and not my sword" Ino said as Ichigo nodded.

"Yeah, all that build up for a short one-sided ass kicking; very anti-climactic" Ichigo said which got Ino to chuckle "But I guess it's more the fault of the sensei than the fault of the student" Ichigo said.

Kakashi who was standing next to him looked at Ichigo with an angry glare "I'm right here you know" Kakashi said.

Ichigo didn't respond immediately until he turned to Kakashi and looked surprised "Oh Kakashi; I didn't see you there. How's it going" he said which made Kakashi even more angry. Kakashi decided to ignore the comment and refocus on the matches.

"Up next" Hayate announced as the board lit up and stopped on 2 names "Tsubaki Senju vs (Rain ninja punching bag); come on down" Hayate announced.

"Yes I get to show off and look good doing it" Tsubaki cheered as she walked to the arena; as she was about to past Naruto he grabbed her hand to stop her.

"Good luck Tsubaki" he said kissing her cheek "try not to kill him ok" Naruto said to which Tsubaki stuck her tongue out.

"No promises" she said before she skipped like a school girl to the arena.

'He's gonna die' Sarada, Moro and Ichigo all thought as they saw their busty blonde friend stop in the middle of the ring.

In the arena

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