Chapter 27

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Naruto and Sarada vs Sasuke

Sasuke charged across the water as Naruto and Sarada both took up defensive stances; Sasuke jumped and spun around ready to land a spinning kick onto Naruto's head. Naruto blocked the kick and held his leg; Sarada the jumped up and proceeded to kick Sasuke in the ribs sending him over the edge of the water fall.

"What an idiot" Sarada said rolling her eyes "charging alone against a superior enemy force; how am I related to him" she said and Naruto chuckled.

Sasuke landed in the water with a splash; he then swam back up to the surface and stood on top of the water. When he did he saw both Sarada and Naruto charging at him; Sarada engaged first by throwing a series of kicks and punched at Sasuke. Sasuke blocked the majority of the punches.

'She's using the interceptor fist style' Sasuke thought 'how the hell did she learn it' he thought. He then caught Sarada's arm as she tried to punch him; Sarada then twisted her body and was able to get behind Sasuke holding his arm behind his back and putting him in a choke hold.

Naruto then came up and seeing Sasuke be grabbed by Sarada began his attack; Naruto started off by punching Sasuke across his face with all his might. Sasuke spat up blood as his head cocked to the side; Naruto then followed up with another and then a punch to the stomach.

Sasuke then kicked Naruto in his chest sending him back; Sasuke then used the back of his head to headbutt Sarada making her nose start to bleed. Sasuke seeing the opportunity he created turned and began to beat Sarada; Sarada took a punch across her face then a kick to her ribs. When Sasuke went in for another hit his fist was blocked; Sarada then proceeded to kick Sasuke in the gut and grab him by the collar.

Sarada using her enhanced strength threw Sasuke to the wall of the valley; Sarada then went through hand signs 'Fire Style: Fire ball Jutsu' Sarada then sent a fire ball towards Sasuke who was now standing on the wall.

Sasuke seeing this went through hand signs himself 'Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu' Sasuke then launched his fire ball; when the 2 jutsu's collided, they created a giant inferno. Sarada then saw Sasuke running towards her at full speed with his hand crackling with lightning; as he got closer Sarada got into a defensive stance trying to time her next move just right.

"Chido- "Sasuke began until he was hit in the side by a rasengan from Naruto; Sasuke was sent skipping across the water until he hit dry land.

"I'm still here asshole" Naruto shouted as he made another hand sign 'shadow clone jutsu' Naruto then created 10 clones that descended on Sasuke. Sasuke got up and began fighting Naruto and his clones; Sasuke punched the first Naruto clone making him dispel. Sasuke then engaged 2 clones form both sides; Sasuke jumped up and performed a double kick making both burst into smoke. When Sasuke landed a Naruto clone punched him in the gut; a second one then sent him up in the air with a kick.

Another Naruto clone jumped off another clone and kicked Sasuke once again sending him even further up; the real Naruto then charged his legs with chakra and jumped above Sasuke.

Sasuke then looked up and saw Naruto's heel just in time before it collided with his face "Uzumaki Barrage" Naruto shouted as Sasuke was sent to the ground. When Sasuke hit the ground, he landed on his back with a smack knocking the wind out of him; when Sasuke looked up, he saw Sarada coming down.

"Chhhhaaaaaa" Sarada shouted as she brought down her chakra infused fist; Sarada then drove her fist into Sasuke's gut cracking the ground underneath him. Sarada then stood back up looking down at Sasuke.

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