Chapter 2 - Party Preparations

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You spent the remainder of the day, of course with the exception of Katakuri's Merienda, preparing something for your husband and his brothers. They shared a birthday, and even though you were only married to one third of the triplet, you wanted to host something nice for everyone. Also, because you believed it was easier to keep Katakuri from leaving his own party if it was under the guise of a collective celebration.

Sitting on the floor with the purplette, you went over everything you needed for the party. From food, to decorations, to entertainment, as well as guests. Screw logistics. You wanted as many of his siblings to attend the party as possible. Not only because Katakuri and Oven were the two favourite brothers – poor Daifuku – but also because Katakuri would surely enjoy seeing his siblings, even if he showed it in his own mega tough guy Sweet Commander way, aka not at all.

At first Brûlée was a little hesitant when she heard how much you wanted to prepare. Not only was Katakuri not that fond of celebrations in his honour, but also because the party was only a day away, but you could eventually convince her to turn it up a notch or...twenty. Also, because you had promised to take the blame if it was too much for the first Sweet Commander.

Over the course of the afternoon, multiple siblings had promised to attend the party, and most importantly, keep their mouths shut and not tell anything to the birthday boy. Some had even offered to help you with the party, either offering to come help set everything up on the day, or to get something if you needed it.

It was lovely, really. Sometimes the Charlottes felt so different from your previous families, but in moments like these, there wasn't that much of a difference between them. Their mother still scared the shit out of you, but the rest was really growing on you.

Oven and Daifuku were also informed about their party. It was a necessary sacrifice. First of all, Oven knew about the party anyway, and secondly, you needed someone to escort Katakuri to the desired location at the right time. However, apart from that, they weren't allowed to help with any other preparations, even though they had suggested it. Even if Oven and Daifuku knew about the party, they should still be surprised as much as possible, and were therefore only allowed to enter the venue together.

As smoothly as the entire party planning went, there was one big issue, and it was you. All siblings could avoid Katakuri until the party, but you couldn't. Not only did you have to see him on the way to his Merienda and back, but you also shared a room with the man, and considering your body and face were very honest, it was incredibly difficult not to let him grow suspicious.

The fact that you had let out a startled scream when he knocked on Brûlée's door to pick you up for his Merienda also did nothing to make you appear nonchalant. While the purplette almost facepalmed herself out of Tottoland, Katakuri only quirked a puzzled eyebrow at your flustered and hyperventilating expression as you hid the guest list behind your back. Luckily, he had decided not to press it.

That was, at least, until you were back inside your suite.

During dinner Smoothie had pointed out that you had some glitter stuck to your hair, courtesy of Dolce and Dragée decorating a little banner and decorating pretty much every Charlotte in the room along with it. Whilst the others had the opportunity to shower between preparations and dinner, you hadn't.

Upon seeing the proofs of your surprise glisten in your hair, you quickly debated shaking your hair like a wet dog but eventually opted against it. If Katakuri hadn't noticed the glitter by then, your reaction would surely draw attention to it. However, showering was definitely your top priority as soon as you were back inside your suite. If only it wasn't for your husband.

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