Chapter 3 - Happy Birthday

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"Everyone quiet," you waved a hand into the room, your head peeking out of the door as your ears picked up on Oven's laughter down the hallway.

Every conversation around you immediately ceased as the Charlottes did as they were told before they all got into position.

Pulling your head back inside the room and shutting the door, you let your eyes drift across the family members one last time as you leaned against the door. "Everyone knows what they have to do?"

"Yep," Cracker grinned. "Hide our presences with our haki so Katakuri-onii-chan doesn't know we're here, hide behind our assigned tables and when Daifuku switches the lights on, we jump out and throw the confetti."

"You're a true gem, Cracker," you laughed as you switched off the lights and ran to your assigned table. However, halfway towards the table, you stumbled into another, a quiet curse leaving your lips as you wrapped a hand over your now aching hip and stumbled the remainder of the way towards your hiding spot.

"I heard you laugh, Peros-nii," you quietly barked at the man as you squeezed in-between him and Brûlée, eyes narrowed into a glare he couldn't see.

"Could have been anybody, Candy."


Deciding not to get into a petty fight with him right now, you rolled your eyes as your fingers trembled in excitement around the confetti Anana had cut out. Celebrating the triplets was more important than telling Perospero to kiss your ass right now.

"By the way, (Y/N)," Custard inquired from another table, drawing your attention in as you searched for her in the dark. At least you believed it was her. The room was pitch black and you just hoped that it was her and that you were currently looking in the right direction.


"Why aren't you hiding your presence? We can all still sense you."

"Oh that," you laughed quietly, "Katakuri would lose it if I suddenly disappeared out of his Observation range."

"Does it really make a difference if we hide our presence then?" It was Citron. "We've been here all day and if he could feel you, he also felt us."

"Don't worry," you smiled although you knew she couldn't see you. "He only keeps tabs on me constantly. I'm sure he's picked up that there are more people inside the castle today, but not necessarily that it's you."

The woman let out an acknowledging hum as the sound of Daifuku's and Oven's voices grew nearer.

With a giddy smile gracing your features, you shushed the quiet chatter as you bounced happily next to the other two Charlottes, waiting for the doors to finally open. Anticipation was almost killing you, and whilst unknowingly holding your breath, you listened in closely on the conversation outside the door.

"Come on, Katakuri, just one piece of cake. We don't get older every day, and I'm sure there's still some leftover in there from today's afternoon tea." It was Oven.

After some quiet grumbling, your husband sighed a "One piece..." and you could clearly envision the bored look on his face, followed by an "If I absolutely must."

Wow, he really doesn't like to celebrate his birthday.

It was a little bit late for that realisation as you were quite literally surrounded by most of his siblings who were all throwing him a surprise birthday party.

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