Chapter 1 - Oblivious

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Alrighty, it's mochi man's birthday.

This is a non-canon tie-in to my main book 'A Taste of Forever'. I just really wanted to write a birthday special even if it doesn't tie into the story.

Now, although this tie-in isn't canon, it could be situated either right after chapter 29, or chapter 36. It wouldn't make sense considering the timeline of events, but in those cases, it's not interrupting a storyline in the main book.

Also, this tie-in uses information established in the main book. Those things aren't super necessary if you stumble across this tie-in on its own, but some things will make a little more sense.

That being said, enjoy 😊

"What are we doing here again?" you asked your sister-in-law, redirecting your attention from the candied apple in your hand to the purplette walking beside you. The Charlottes preference for sweets rubbed off on you quickly, and with another bite into the apple as you kept watching the spiky hair of the woman not move a millimetre despite her walking, you made a mental note to brush your teeth more often.

The purplette let out a short chuckle at your question, her face morphing into something you could only interpret as amusement as she met your gaze. "You really don't know, do you?"

What were you supposed to know?

With your eyebrows furrowing in concentration, you tried to remember whatever she was hinting at.

Had someone mentioned something around you? No.

Was it a national holiday? No. 

Were important guests going to arrive on Whole Cake Island soon? No.

Could Brûlée just be wanting to annoy you? Probably.

Were you going to annoy her back if it was just that? Definitely.

The longer you thought about it, the more you were sure that you hadn't missed anything of importance and that you, in fact, couldn't remember something you didn't even know in the first place.

Your face must have translated your thoughts as Brûlee let out another chuckle. "Don't worry, it will dawn on you soon enough." about you just tell me?

A quick dismissive roll of your eyes later, you gazed back into the busy streets of Whole Cake Island.

You had spent the better part of the morning by Brûlée's side. She had asked you to join her in some important shopping, and since Smoothie and Perospero were busy with their duties as strategist and Sweet Commander, and you therefore couldn't train with them, you joined the tall woman in whatever she was trying to get.

The first stop on her list that reached the floor – you had agreed on joining her before you knew how long the list actually was – was a flower shop, followed by bakeries, decoration stores, and the rest you couldn't even remember anymore.

The morning stretched on for hours, and your feet were screaming in pain by the umpteenth shop she had dragged you into. At least your quiet whining that grew more persistent with every stop you had crossed off the list had swayed her to get you something to eat, and that had at least shut you up for a little bit. Maybe it was also the super sticky candy on the apple sticking your teeth together and rendering you mute, but Brûlée considered it a success, nonetheless.

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