The truth under the mental health act.

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Did I get your attention? Good. When you hear about mental health on the news or on Facebook,Twitter, or Instagram, many think oh no, not again, or some think I wish there was more we could do to help. The thing is, no matter what people do or say, it will not change the mental health system in the UK. The mental health system is old and needs changing. The way they treat or act around patients is disgusting. The way the psychiatrist over medicates and misuses medications. The way restraint is used is more of a punishment rather than something to keep someone or someone else safe. The lack of training the nurses and support workers get is sickening. The amount of staff going ofd sick due to stress and thier mental health is getting higher and higher. The number of suicides that are happening in psychiatric hospitals is rising. Something needs doing to change this because we are losing more people than ever due to the mental health system. Psychiatric hospitals are killing us quicker than we are killing ourselves.

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