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Over-medicating is REAL not only has this happened to me, it has happened to hundreds and thousands of young people and adults. Medication is used to treat symptoms of the illness you are experiencing. Sometimes, the medication is overused, for example. Diazepam and lorazepam is vast majority overused. It's used as a PRN, and they are basically sedatives, so they slow the brain down, and that way, it slows the thoughts down so to some extent they do work short term and it should be used short term only as both of them are highly addictive and many people get addicted to them. Medication can be used wrongly at the wrong and dangerous dosages. For me, I was put on quitapine and started on a very high dose, and it made me very, very drowsy and heavy-eyed. I was sleeping more hours of the day than being awake. Over-medicating can cause liver failure, and ultimately death. Doctors are quick to write a dose of a medication without even reading the side effects or even giving the patient a piece of paper saying what to expect or how you many feel. Many people could and are allergic to certain medications, but they still give them as they say its going to keep you well. I have had an experience with a depot injection that you can have once weekly once every 2 weeks and once every month. Mine was weekly, I had a reaction at the sight of the infection, and it was red and swollen with lumps well hives all over and around it. In the end, I refused to have it, and again, I got put on a section where they could forcibly give it to you, so I had no choice in the matter. No matter what you say, if they want you to have that medication, they will forcibly give it to you via an injection at this point they are forcing medication on a person that may not require medication or if they do require medication just becuase they are sectioned before mean that they are wanting to take the medication and they shouldn't be forced to take medication they do not want. Being forced medication is degrading when you are well enough to understand and know that they are giving you so much medication. It shouldn't be forced on anyone unless 100% necessary, and even then, I shouldn't be the first thing they try.

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