Mr. Brooks is back

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After the prank was pulled out by Marcella, Lucia took Maria to the bathroom to clean up.

Lucia offered to help her report Marcella but Maria politely declined her offer saying such things are normal among ladies.

  Lunch is served by the time they're out and the place is filled with the aroma coming from the food.
They all sat to eat including Stacy, Maria, and Lucia. Suddenly Marcella stood up and rushed out of the door.

Everyone was as confused as you are right now. Well, she came in with Shawn ( the gateman). They were walking to the table like a newlywed couple. They sat and everyone continued eating.

Marcella and Shawn were staring at each other lovingly.

Under the table, their legs were rubbing against each other. The maids didn't look surprised at all.

As for Stacy, she was enjoying her lunch not caring about anything else

Relationships between workers in the Brooks House were strongly prohibited.

Well, some people decided to go against it.
When such relationships are found out by Mrs. Brooks, she sacks them out of the house.

Maria's P.O.V
Um... isn't she the lady seeking young master's attention?

Wait so now she's with the gateman? But why do I think they match each other?

Gosh, what have I become? Some matchmaker? Whatever, they can do as they want, I don't care.

" Don't be surprised Maria, they do this all the time " - Lucia whispers in her ear
Maria nods trying to understand everything.

" Mrs. Brooks has tried to stop all these by warning us on several occasions. She fears someone might get pregnant and the man may run away leaving the lady stranded " - Lucia reveals.

" Oh, I see. Maybe she wants to become a mother soon "
Lucia giggles " If she hears you you might be thrown into the pool next time "

  Lucia goes back to her work and Maria assists Stacy with her assignments.
Stacy: Thank you for helping me, Aunty. They look much much easier now

" You're welcome dear, don't forget to practice every day. This is maths you can easily forget the same way you easily learn it "

" Okay, I will. Auntie I'm going to play games bye" - She says and kisses Maria's cheek
Maria sends her off and goes to her room to have a nap.

  It was evening by the time she woke up " I can't believe I slept that long"- she mumbled to herself. She washed her face, rushed out, and started removing the things she had hanged earlier.

Something caught her attention, Marcella, Shawn, hugging? Her eyes widened at how close their bodies were together. She quickly finished up and went inside.

  Maria started ironing when Stacy came to her with a very huge book. She could barely carry it herself with her small frame.
Stacy: Aunty Maria, I don't want to play the games anymore. Now I want to read, can you assist me? - She said with her childish voice. She uses it to get everything.
" Um, but I'm ironing now. So when I'm done okay? "

No reply

  Maria looked over at Stacy to see her with her arms folded with a frown on her face.
"Fine I'll help you now sounds good?"
She nodded feeling satisfied. So whenever Stacy found a difficult word Maria would come over and pronounce it for her.

Maria was ironing the last but one shirt when Stacy called her urgently ." Aunty, Aunty there's another huge word . Just look at it". Maria left the iron on the shirt and came over to look at it.

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