Stressful day

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Heyy guys I'm backkk. Yeah from school, forgive me for not updating. Sorry lovelies . Here it is the chapter you waited for 2 months for.

Trust me you're going to loveeeee it . If you don't, sorry.
Let's get into itttt ( I sound like a YouTuber for realllll hehe , jk)

Maria's P.O.V

Just so you know,that wasn't the best night ever cause I woke up pretty late

Someone was pissed

You know who
Don't ask me

I rush into Tanner's car faster than Sonic himself and the car heads off to the office.

I peek over at Young Master Richard, oh boy he doesn't look like he wants to breath the same air with me

Hey, it's not my fault that his body automatically gets up early even though he slept very late like I did .

"How long are you going to keep staring? It's been 2 mins :46seconds already " - he says still not looking my way

"I don't..I didn't.. Sorry Sir"- I mutter an apology hoping he'll hear.

He's so full of himself,ugh

Weird guy

He even counted the seconds I peeked at him . It was just a harmless little peek.

The car stops in front of the company and Young Master gets out after a guard opened his door .

Tanner lightly blows the horn at me . So scary ..

" Maria,you better behave today. Cause I can tell you won't come out the same again "- he whispers

Ouch, he just said I don't behave well.

That's a lie right?

"Thanks, Mr, Driver"- I tease and turn to follow...

He's gone.

Oh no

I run very fast to at least get sight of his back .

There he is .

Walking faster than my legs can .

He enters his office and the door closes behind him.

'Maria , you messed up big time . He already hates your guts now you've made him 25mins late '- My conscience reminds me .

I put out my chair and sit after I get into my office.

Woah , that's new

'My office ', sounds good and nice.

"Maria get these done with and also,
boss asked for you"- Chris enters my office with a huge stack of documents.

"Why? What's wrong?"- I ask anxiously.

"I don't know please. And you should go and find out " - Chris says while looking everywhere but me .

He knows that Young Master Richard is pissed.

I head towards his office, knock and enter after I hear "Come in"

"Sir,you asked for me , how can I help?"

No response

Okay today is probably my last day here . I know I should have said goodbye to my office. How could I forget?

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