Stacy's Sick.

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Heya, new start today. Forgive me for being lazy . I'm just so disorganized, I'm improving cause now I find my other pair of sock on a normal day hehe.

Anyways let's gooo.

Richard's P.O.V
  My alarm beeps and I stretch over to turn it off. I feel so sleepy, I'm usually not like this. What's wrong with me ?

  It's 7:35am???? What !!!!
This is bad . I pick up my phone to be very sure . Phew, it's the weekend....
What's gotten into to me ?
I pick out my outfit for day . Brandon is always talking about how I'm always so  formal. Let's try something more casual today .

I get into the bathroom, take a long shower , brush and floss my teeth. I get back into the room after putting on my outfit.

Woah, there's 12 missed calls from mom?!!.
I quickly rush downstairs to see what's wrong.
"Honey is everything okay with you? I hope there's nothing wrong with you too"- she says so worriedly .
My bad
" Yes mom . I'm okay . Me too? " - I ask

"Oh yes , Stacy is down with a fever . I've called the doctor, he'll be here soon . Maria is around so kindly help her look after my baby"- she says and that's when I realize she's dressed up to go out

Did she say Maria?
I must be hearing things

"I'll be off with your dad to an urgent meeting with Mr.Lister and some shareholders . I love you byee"- she pulls me to her level and gives me a peck and she runs out the door.

"Take care of your sister, young man "- Dad screams from the kitchen while following mom behind with an apple in his mouth. Just dad being dad

Silence takes over yet again.

I turn to find Maria standing behind me .
What does she want?

She's also in a casual wear. She's in a big top and leggings with her hair in a messy bun.
Puff, whatever

" Good morning Sir ,I heard the doctor will be here anytime soon . " she says ...
Like I don't know

I don't look her way and start climbing the stairs . "Sir please Stacy asked for you. "
Obviously she will

I get to Stacy's room and see her all cuddled up in her blanket sleeping soundly.
She looks like an angel right now. Well she is , not always though.

I could get my laptop here and be working while I wait for the doctor.

Maria's P.O.V
  The doctor got here like 3 hours ago. He's an old man so maybe he's the family doctor. I'm just saying...

Seems like rude guys doesn't want me around. Why does he have to make it so obvious ughh??
I go into my room and shut the door. I'm lying on my bed , just being there,alone...

I think I'm hungry. I need to see Lucia too
I run downstairs . Where from all this energy? Hehe it's the one you get when you know you'll have food to eat

"Maria , heyyy"-Lucia spins me around for the longest possible time .

"You hungry?" - she knows. I just stare back at her
"Hahaha"- she laughs so beautifully unlike my ugly laugh
"Why did I ask you, silly . Of course you are"-she says as she leads me into the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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