:: Entry 1 :: {Draco Malfoy/ Pansy Parkinson One-Shot}

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"And the person who shall fulfil this task," Lord Voldemort hissed, staring around at each of the Death Eaters surrounding him at the table they were seated at, until his red, thin pupil eyes landed on a pair of cold, grey ones, "is Draco Malfoy."

Narcissa Malfoy was the first to react.

"But Mi-Lord! He is only a boy! Surely-"

"Silence Narcissa," Voldemort said, cutting her off, "He has the Mark, let us see if he is worthy of being a Death Eater," He stared menacingly and intently in Draco's eyes, and Draco wished that he would stop before his eyes burst.

"And remember Draco," Voldemort continued, each word spitefully spoken, entwined with cruel joy and hatred, "that if you do not fulfil this task, I will kill you instead."

"I understand Mi-Lord," Draco replied, before he realised what he was saying.

Overall, Draco was shocked. The task he was to fulfil he knew would be extremely difficult. How could he possible murder his Headmaster, no matter how much of a Muggle lover he is?

As he saw his mother holding back many tears, most of all, he wondered, what would Pansy think of this and will she join him?


"I don't reckon I'll be coming to Hogwarts next year. Father won't allow it." Draco proclaimed to his friends Vincent Crabbe, Blaise Zambini, Gregory Goyle and Pansy Parkinson, whilst resting his head on Pansy's lap. She was stroking his head lovingly, and Draco enjoyed it.

He heard some rustling near where their trunks were. Draco looked up, but saw nothing. This left him suspicious.

"Why not, Dracikins?" Pansy pouted, disappointment scratched through her tone, snapping Draco out of his thoughts of who or what that was.

It was the first of September and they were in a compartment in the Hogwarts Express, on their journey to Hogwarts.

Draco sighed. The Dark Lord made he and his mother swear that the would not tell anyone of the plan because, if Draco succeeded in killing Professor Albus Dumbledore, then Voldemort will be able to take control of the school.

Secretly, Draco wished he wasn't a Death Eater, and he didn't have to complete this task, but having two Death Eater parents, Draco was forced to make the decision of allowing the Dark Mark to be on his left arm.

He winced as he remembered the pain he went through that day. Then it came to him that the Mark itself was stinging. The Dark Lord must be up to something. It has been stinging ever since he got the skull tattoo, adding to the many reasons he wished he wasn't a Death Eater.

Being too afraid to admit it, Draco had a stinging feeling he wouldn't be able to kill Dumbledore. Draco was cowardly, and the only thing that made him feel braver was if he was mocking and teasing someone below him with an impure blood status, such as Potter.

Now that he thought of it, it was Potter's fault he was in this mess in the first place. If he had died prior or during the Triwizard Tournament in their fourth year, Lord Voldemort would never have risen, meaning Draco would never had to become one of his followers.

That lifted Draco's spirits a bit. Blaming Potter was one of his favourite things to do.

Draco lowered his voice to a whisper so only Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle could hear him.

"It's because," He pulled up his left sleeve to show the others the infamous skull tattoo with a snake slithering out of its mouth. The others gasped. Pansy covered her mouth with her hands, "I got this."

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