:: Entry 4 :: {Tom Riddle One - Shot}

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The cobbled stone wall of the seventh floor corridor felt cool against his hands, every indent a new texture to his palms. Tom had not been able to focus on such little things for a long time, after all, master plans seemed to take up his whole schedule.

After discovering what the House Elves in the kitchen call 'the come-and-go room', Tom had a clear plan for not only his future, but that of the entire Wizarding World. He felt quite on top of the world, but that all came to a sudden halt when he saw his Transfiguration teacher, Professor Dumbledore, bouncing towards him, humming a tune that could only be of a Muggle tune he had heard oh-so-many times at the orphanage he spent his school breaks at.

"Ah Mr. Riddle!" Professor Dumbledore cried cheerfully at the sight of Tom, disregarding the fact that Tom had his hand on the wall. "Just the person I've been meaning to speak to!"

All colour drained from Tom's face, giving him the appearance that he'd just seen a Dementor. Worst case scenarios ran through his mind. Did Dumbledore know what he what was up to? Tom feared that he did.

"Whatever you are accusing me of this time Professor, I swear didn't do it." He stated plainly, attempting to cover up the frightened look on his face.

Professor Dumbledore was the only person Tom was scared of, because he was the only one to see straight through Tom's charm and lies. Ever since Tom first met him at the Orphanage, he knew that Dumbledore was not one who could be fooled easily, and one Tom should be weary of.

Especially when last year, when Tom opened his great ancestor's Chamber of Secrets and unleashed the monster within it on all the Muggleborns at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Dumbledore was the only one who suspected Tom had opened it, but he hadn't said anything, and Tom wasn't sure why.

Instead they expelled the fat oaf, Rubeus Hagrid, whom Tom had framed, when Headmaster Dippet had threatened to close the school if the heir didn't come forward. That would have meant that Tom would have to spend the rest of his life at the orphanage he dreaded.

Dumbledore just chuckled at his statement, his crystal blue eyes staring intently at Tom from behind his half-moon spectacles. "It is more of what you have, than what you did, Tom."

Seeing Tom's befuddled expression, he said, "Follow me, Tom, and all shall be revealed."

The two of them started pacing down the corridor, until Tom found himself standing in front of the gargoyle that hid the entrance to the Headmaster's office.

"Dionysus Decapoda," Professor Dumbledore whispered to the gargoyle and it immediately leaped aside to let them pass.

Up they went, climbing up the spiralled stone staircase to reach the Headmaster's office. Professor Dumbledore knocked three times on the wooden door once they had reached the top, and ushered Tom inside.

Nothing could have prepared him for what he saw.

A girl, about his age, was talking to Professor Dippet with great animation. She had the same dark hair as Tom, only it was longer and tied up in a ponytail that bobbed up and down as she spoke. They shared the same oval face, and her big eyes were full of wonder.

She met Tom's eyes and smiled and waved at him, excitement bubbling at her expression. Tom gasped.

This girl.... looked exactly like him.

"Hello Mr. Riddle," Headmaster Dippet said to him, awaking Tom from his thoughts. "Let me introduce you to, Nagini Merope Riddle, your long lost twin sister."

Did he say, twin? Tom thought.

"Hi!" The girl- his sister- Nagini spoke. She sounded excited. "I'm Nagini. You must be my brother, Tom. Why, it's so nice to finally meet you!" She ran forward and wrapped her arms around his frozen body. Awkwardly, he patted her back a couple times.

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