:: Entry 6 :: {Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger One - Shot}

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I completed this entry with @AlpacaDuckicorn

Hermione's POV:

I was pouring over my Ancient Runes essay, a mound of all my school books for all my subjects creating a fortress around me, separating myself from what was going on in the rest of the Gryffindor Common Room. One of my two best friends, Harry Potter, had just received his Firebolt back, as Professors McGonagall and Flitwick were positive no jinxes or curses were placed on it, something I was weary of.

Harry sat beside me at my desk, his emerald green eyes widening as he noticed all the books and homework I had to get through, and asked me how I got through all my work. Our other friend, Ron Weasley, had went upstairs to the Boys' Dormitory to place the 'precious' broomstick away and to give his pet rat, Scabbers, his rat tonic as he was quite frail and ill.

I sighed. "Well, you know, a lot of hard work and effort."

He advised me to drop a few subjects, stating that Arithmancy looked like quite a bore. I stared at him, and told him that I couldn't drop any, besides Arithmancy was one of my favourite subjects.

I meant to tell Harry what I loved about Arithmancy, when a strangled scream was heard from the Boys' Dormitory. There was a large echo of footsteps thumping down the stairs, gradually getting louder and louder.

Ron leaped into view, rage plastered on his face which camouflaged it with his fiery red hair, a bedsheet clutched tightly in his hands.

"LOOK!" He yelled, striding over to the desk Harry and I were seated at.

"LOOK!" He bellowed louder, dangling the white sheet in front of my face, his nostrils flaring in anger.

I was confused. "Ron, what-?"


I started leaning away from Ron, not only utterly bewildered, but a bit terrified too. I saw Harry peering down and the sheet Ron was holding. I looked at it through the corner of my eye. I didn't need to take extra classes to know that the red flecks speckled on the fabric was -

"BLOOD!" Ron cried. By now the whole Gryffindor Common Room was silent, staring at the scene playing before them with wide-eyes. It make me feel quite self-conscious that I was being portrayed as the bad guy here, as Ron's menacing glare flew straight past Harry and fixed on me.


"N-no." I whispered, my voice trembling in fear.

Ron hastily chucked something onto my Runes homework. Both Harry and I looked down at it, and my heart dropped when I saw what he had thrown.

Scattered amongst the logical shapes and symbols, were springy, orange hairs, hairs that could only belong to my cat, and Ron and Scabbers' archenemy, Crookshanks.

"I don't believe it." I said simply, not wanting to admit that it was Crookshanks' fault.

"BELIEVE IT!" Ron was still shouting, but I don't think he realised it.

"How did he even get in the dorms? He's been in my room for the whole day, I think."

Then, out popped an orange cat from under one of the chairs. He stretched, the flames from the fireplace making my cat look one with the crackling fire.

"Are you sure it was Crookshanks though?" I asked him, trying to keep my cool. "Are you sure they aren't your hairs, and you didn't accidentally scratched yourself whilst you were sleeping?"

I just couldn't fully believe what Ron claimed Crookshanks had done, so me, being logical, I had to eliminate all other possible solutions before I could come to that conclusion.

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