:: Entry 3 :: {Rose Weasley/ Scorpius Malfoy One - Shot}

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EDITED: Wrote this with Princess-of-the-Pen

The morning on the first of September always brought excitement to students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and Rose Molly Weasley was no different. As she skipped her way through the busy crowd on Platform Nine and Three Quarters with her family, she couldn't help but gawk at the Hogwarts Express. She entered the scarlet train, eagerly looking for an empty compartment. Her curly red hair with brown highlights bounced off her shoulders, her brand new school robes billowed around her, and her school shoes squeaked against the floor as she entered each room. Finally, the Weasleys found a vacant compartment and her father helped her load her trunk.

"I can't believe my little girl is already going off to Hogwarts," Her mom said while pulling her into a tight hug.

"Mom, I'll be alright. James and Albus will be with me the entire time."

"Speaking of the Potters..." Her father said brightly, glancing out the window. Rose pressed herself to the glass window and waved at James Sirius, Albus Severus, and little Lily Luna, before running out the train to greet them.

"Rose Molly Weasley! Don't be rude!" Hermione scolded as her daughter ran right past her Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny to her cousins. Rose blushed furiously and scowled as her brother, Hugo Arthur Weasley, failed at not to laugh.

"Hullo Uncle Harry, Aunt Ginny," she murmured sheepishly. Both Ginny and Harry laughed. They quickly gave Rose a hug before sending her off to talk to Albus.

"Hi," said Albus. He looked relieved, but Rose could tell he was anxious for their first year at Hogwarts to begin.

As their parents started discussing parking and whether Rose's father actually passed his Muggle driving test without the need of Confunding the examiner, Albus and Rose lept into a conversation about which Hogwarts House they would be sorted into.

"James reckons I'll be in Slytherin," Albus told her gloomily. "All because of my stupid middle name."

Albus was named after the Professors Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape who were great influences to both their parents, especially Uncle Harry, when they were at Hogwarts. To this day, Rose couldn't understand why her Aunt and Uncle would name one of their children after Severus Snape. According to their stories, he sounded like a horrid teacher. He saved them a few times and died a sad death. Apparently, that's enough to erase 6 years of bad history. Sometimes, Rose thought that Albus' parents hated him.

"I doubt you'll be in Slytherin but if you're there, so am I," Rose stated. Albus smiled in appreciation.

"Yeah, I can't imagine us being in two different Houses, especially this being our first year! I mean, all our lives we've been together!"

"Not to mention that we're way too similar to not be in the same house!" Said Rose. Albus sighed and looked into the distance.

"Remember that time when we temporarily changed the water supply to honey during James' shower?" Albus asked with a smirk.

They both laughed as they remembered being chased around by James and his red, angry face when he came out the bathroom with a towel around his waist and covered head to toe in honey. Soon, they were joined by Hugo and Albus' sister Lily, as they too were discussing what House they would be Sorted into in two years time.

Overhearing the children's conversation, Rose's dad piped up. "If you're not in Gryffindor, we'll disown you. But no pressure!" He added with a grin.

"Ron!" Hermione screeched in anger.

Lily and Hugo giggled, however the two soon-to-be First Years looked solemn.

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