Info: Scarlet Spider

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Name: (Y/n) (L/n)

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Name: (Y/n) (L/n)

Hero name: Scarlet Spider

Hero or villain: hero

Are they a spiderman/spider woman: spider woman

Suit description or pic:

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(Not mine)

Gender: female

Age: 25

Appearance Height: (your height)

Weight: (your weight)

Hair Color: (h/c)

Hair Type: (your hair type)

Eye Color: (e/c)

Skin Color: (your skin tone)

Race/Species: (your race), human


Crush if any: Miguel O'hara

Friends: Miles, Gwen, Peter, and Hobbie.

Favorite food: (your favorite food)

Favorite drink: (your favorite drink)

Powers and Abilities Powers: Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Reflexes, Superhuman Durability, Healing Factor, "Spider-Sense" Alert, Heightened Senses, Wallcrawling, Psychic Energy Manipulation, Telekinesis, Psionic Blasts, Force-Field Generation, Disintegration, Mental Manipulation, Mind-Control, Emotion Manipulation,Telepathy, Levitation, Reality Warping, Spontaneous Creation, Time Manipulation, Illusion Manipulation, Weather Manipulation, Elemental Manipulation, Probability Manipulation, Conjuration, Transmutation, Energy Absorption, Magic/Power Absorption, Spell Casting (No incantation needed!), Rune Casting, Astral Projection, Power Bestowal, Teleportation, Healing, Physical Resilience, Magic Resistance, and Power Resistance.

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