Chapter 12

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Ladybug led the way, keeping careful watch as they went through the woods. The moon was already rising by now, and Adrien was surprised that so much had happened in just a day or two.

His mind was still reeling with the revelation that he was a host for an ancient spirit. And supposedly one of the most powerful ones.
His fingers curled around the amulet. It made no sense, yet it somehow explained everything. His curse hiding itself on Earth but visible, tangible in Aelesia. Earth would never understand these powers.

As if reminding him that this strange spirit was on his side, he watched as streams of dark energy curled around his fingers. Not threatening, but comforting.

"I think he likes you," Sophie said, watching the magic as well. "Plagg, I mean."

"Yeah," Adrien felt a smile pull at his lips. "I think he does."

Even with the incidents, he could start to see a protectiveness involved. Sure, Mr. Forkle had said Plagg was known for being mischievous, but every time something happened, it saved him from more embarrassment, more anxiety. They weren't just tied to his emotions; it was Plagg the whole time, guarding him from Earth.

He still kinda wished this spirit had powers to make Bethany stop hating him. At least she didn't remember he existed anymore.

"Where are we going?" Keefe asked.

"A place I've never shown anyone else," Ladybug said, stopping in front of a wall of vines. "You can't tell anyone about this."

"You got it," Adrien said.

Ladybug took a deep breath and pushed through the vines.

Adrien lost his breath at the sight of her hideout. Hidden by an intricate network of vines, it was a playful world of colorful blooms, even a multi-colored tree in one spot.

"I found it a few days after going on my own," Ladybug explained. "Calla and Flori helped grow everything here and conceal it from unwanted eyes."

"Who are Calla and Flori?" Keefe asked.
Ladybug smiled a little. "I'll get them."

She took a couple steps deeper in, cupping her mouth. Adrien wasn't sure what to expect, but she sang out those four clear notes, the ones she'd used to call Rena Rouge and Carapace yesterday. His ears were more interested in how angelic and ethereal her voice was, however.

She should sing more, he thought. Wait, what am I thinking!?

Silence filled the air for a moment before they saw the ground next to a tree open up, and two creatures that looked like they were made from the pure earth climbed out and into the moonlight.

"Ladybug," one bowed a little. "We weren't expecting to see others with you."

"It's... complicated," Ladybug shrugged. "But they wanted to meet you. Guys, meet Calla and her niece, Flori."

"Pleasure to meet you," Flori said, her voice soft. She locked eyes with Adrien. "You're the child the court recently brought back from Earth, aren't you?"

"Not really considered a child for much longer," he corrected. "I'm turning eighteen in a few weeks."

"Earth considers eighteen-year-olds adults?" Sophie furrowed her brows. "We're not adults until we're nineteen."

"Great, and I thought I was leaving childhood," Adrien fake-groaned. Sophie hid back her laugh.

"Ladybug, you seem tense," Calla observed. "What's wrong?"

"I... we found out why I have the powers I do," she mumbled.

"Wow, it takes us forever to get anything out of you but it takes the gnome only three seconds," Keefe commented.

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