The stranger in the woods

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Before we begin this story I feel there is something that you should understand, that being this world wasn't always such a dark and depressing place. There was a time when the three races of the world, the Elves, the Dwarfs, and the Humans, actually coexisted with one another. It was truly an unprecedented age of peace. Those responsible for safeguarding that peace was none other then the noble and courageous magic warriors known to all as Warlocks.
For eons this band of mage's made up of the magically gifted men and women from all three races would actively seek out evil in all its forms. Finally after many trials and tribulations the noble Warlocks were rewarded for their tireless labors with an era of peace. With this era the Warlocks were able to forgo their warrior ways and dedicate themselves to using their magic to better the lives of the people. But how could they have known that the gift of peace would bring about an age of darkness.
One of the Warlocks own, a gifted Elf who's name is now lost to time, took it upon himself to discover the secrets of the darkness his order had once waged war against. Though many of his follow Warlocks warned against such studies he ignored them and proceeded to delve ever deeper into its depths. Inevitably the Elf's work would corrupt him and with dark magic stolen from an unholy realm of existence he became a Dark One who would be known to all as The Dark Lord Drogur.
With skin once as fair as the newly fallen snow in the Elven valley untouched by man, now green as a decaying forest that knows no sunlight. Eyes that used to be silver and shined as bright as the stars in the night, now red as the blood of the most vicious creatures that roam the earth. Hair that once used to be the most beautiful blond was now white as if aged in an instant. Neither the heart that that held so much love wasn't spared, now it was as hard as the metal forged by the Dwarfs. Truly the good and gentle being who only wished to understand those who were enemies had now become something far worse.
Drogur would go on to turn all the people's of the world against one another. The humans he made to be perceived as a violent race. To the Elves and Dwarf's the humans became savages. The Dwarfs he made to be the most greedy of all three, they would horde all for themselves. For the Elves, once his own people, he caused to be seen as arrogant and lofty. Humans and Dwarfs now believed the Elves wise enough to solve that which plague mortals but in their chose not to because of their belief in their own superiority. This caused the Elves to become fearful and shut themselves away.
Finally the last victim of Drogur was the Warlocks themselves. So used to peace were they that not one could match him in combat. And so one by one each member of the Warlocks sent to put an end to Drogur was slain. But just killing off the order was not what the Dark Lord desired, no he wanted the people whom they sacrificed so much for to turn against them and they did. One by one each of the three nations hunted down and slaughtered any Warlock that they came across. In response to such actions the last surviving Warlocks could do nothing say go into hiding for fighting back would go against everything they and those before them strived for. Drogur had won and with his victory he attained control over the world, ruling over it to this day.

Before we became depressed by all the negative things in the past let us move on to a positive scenario in present day. Deep in the woodlands just outside the town of Dey in the human kingdom of Alem there is a logging camp. Currently its mid day and all the men were out topping trees and falling timber, before sending it off to be processed into whatever the kingdom needs it to be. One of these men out working in the woodlands was Leo Blooddriver, a half Human half Dwarf. Being half Dwarf meant he was stronger then the average human, unfortunately it also meant he was shorter then the average human to. But he was taller then most Dwarf's though.
Leo has faced many hardships growing up over the years do to being of mixed heritage, still though he managed to keep a positive attitude. His ability to do so in such a hard life is mostly contributed to his friends, something that Leo himself would be the first to tell you. Leo has a few friends but only two of them are in Dey. One is his boss, Rick, who got him a job when everyone else turned him away. When Leo asked why Rick just told him that he had a friend who was also of mixed race and understood how hard that life was. Next is Leo's best friend, a red haired human male named Jack, who has stuck with Leo ever since he came to the kingdom, their meeting being something Leo would never forget.

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