The Gift of Power

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Jack couldn't see anything for he floated through a sea of darkness. Where am I he thought to himself? He wanted to look around but his body wouldn't move. It was frozen like a pilar of stone. All Jack could do was look ahead into the empty void. What's going on?

Soon from the dark void came noise. What was once silence soon turned to what sounded like people. No it was definitely people he was hearing, Jack was sure about that. The problem was that he couldn't understand the words they were saying. Jack couldn't even tell who it was talking.

Who's there Jack shouted!? Who is that!? Jack continued to shout trying to get the attention of whoever it was talking. His shouts continued till he realized it. His mouth wasn't moving, Jack's shouts were all in his head. What's going on here he screamed in his mind as he began to panic!

That's when things began to become much clearer. There wasn't just one voice he heard but two. Two voices that Jack very much recognized. The first voice was the calm, clear, soothing voice of the Elf Warlock Elas Naerel. The second voice was that of his best friend Leo who sounded very worried. This fact kept Jack from panicking. What happened to him, why is he still out asked Leo?

Who are they talking about Jack wondered? He's just resting Leo Elas answered calmly. Resting, he's been out for two days, how is that resting shouted Leo?! He's been over worked so it's going to take longer than normal for him to recover said Elas. Are.....are they talking about me Jack thought to himself? What about those healing potions that you gave me, surly those would help said Leo sounding desperate. No, those potions don't recover stamina or fatigue which is exactly what Jack needs at the moment. I'm sorry Leo but you'll just have to be patient said Elas.

After that everything began to go quite again. For what felt like an eternity Jack couldn't hear anything. Again that didn't last and soon noise returned to the infinite void of darkness. The noise wasn't words this time, instead it was a crackling sound. At first Jack couldn't tell what the crackling sound was but soon figured it out. The sound he heard was that of burning wood. Jack was listening to a camp fire.

With that realization things finally began to change. First the dark void wasn't so dark anymore and instead had a slight orange tint to it. Then Jack found that he could actually move his body, not much at first. Just a twitch of his finger but gradually he could move more and more as he tried. Soon he could even move his eye lids, they twitched a little before slowly opening.

Jack had finally realized that he was asleep and because of that he knew he could wake up. As he did though his head felt like many drums pounding all through his head. It was so bad that even after setting up Jack had to lean over on his elbow and close his eyes again. Someone tell the band to stop playing whispered Jack as he clutched his head in pain. I'm afraid you're probably going to feel that way for a little bit. Jack slowly raised his head and saw Elas sitting across from him. Don't worry though it will eventually fade the Elf said with a soft smile.

So what happened asked Jack? He had fully sat up now but still held his head. You've been out for awhile answered Elas. I knew that said Jack, while out I was still able to catch a few things. I know I've been sleeping for a few days. Not just a few days Jack responded Elas. What Jack questioned? Jack you've been asleep for nearly two weeks now. Two weeks Jack asked no one particular?

How... why... what happened? Jack was so confused by the whole situation that he didn't even know what question to ask. Jack then looked around and saw that Leo wasn't there. Where's Leo? Is he ok? He was attacked by that tattooed guy? Is he ok?! Calm down said Elas in a soothing tone, Leo is fine. Elas then explained to Jack that the young half Dwarf was just walking the perimeter to make sure nothing else happens. That's when Jack remembered that he had heard Leo's voice while out too.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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